(F/N) = Fathers name
The news of the Fairy princess spread through the lands, Elves of the highest nobility flocked to the white wood in hopes to gaze upon the child as Fairies rejoyed in the woods. The last to hear the news was the Human King, a scowl crossed his face as he gazed over to his own son, lovingly held in his mothers arms. With a sharp remark he rose from his throne, crossing the threshold of his throne room and throwing the doors open, walking past gaurds and other nobles with a feirce look in his brown eyes.
The Queen looked off to her husbands retreating figure in bafflement, he was acting curiously out of character as of late. There was a nationwide investigation into the assasination of the King but so far it was unknown who the murderer was. The stick hadnt been recovered as of yet and no human diplomats had yet visited the Fairies in their homeland on orders of the King.
The Human Queen was a kind, soft-spoken woman who was well liked, too well liked for the Kings approval. Many of the local men knew her to the suspicion of the King. She sported a head of brown hair and peaceful downturned brown eyes which looked upon everyone with kindness. But her smile was broken at the news of the Fairies misfortune. Not only had their King and miliatary leader died but because of the carnage of the war for the stick which had just recently passed the ammount of wounded had risen in the kingdom as the Fairies were left to care and nurse the injured. So she took it upon herself to visit the Fairies at their place of refuge, against her husbands orders.
The Elven King and Queen were suprised but joyful to see the Human Queen and her chubby baby boy at the enterance to the home the Queen and Princess occupied, the young Prince cried in the presence of the Elves and clung to his mother, tears staining her beautiful blue dress a navy colour. Although there were tensions between the two kingdoms they had reached a stalemate as the stick was placed in the Fairies neutral land.
Queen Sheila and King Gerald also brought their son, the young Prince Kyle to visit the newborn Princess and upon sight of the Human Prince began to bawl with an unholy rage in his green eyes. It took the action of a Fairy Queen and Princess coming into view to calm the boys down so they could be in eachothers prescences.
As Fairy nursemaids took it to themselves to relive the monarchs of their children the adult rulers absconded to one of the white wood observatories. The young Princes and Princesses fawned over by the beautiful Fairy maidens. The chubby brown haired Prince took this attention gracioulsy, basking in all the affection he was given and with a mischevious look in his eye cried whenever the red headed Prince received attention.
Meanwhile the monarchs discussed the many issues surrounding the Fairies.
"There is nothing i can do now, (F/N) has been killed and im left to rule in his abscence during the aftermath of a war. If i am to find who it is i will require your assistance. There will be a swift deliverance of justice for whomever is to blame for this calamity." The Queens silk like voice rang as she stood facing the lush forests, almost as though she was surveying out for some anomaly. The first to reply to her was the Elven Queen, as she voiced her concerns her husband moved the conversation onto more worrying matters.
"The relic is still out there, our sentries are on guard on the borders to the east and press onwards through the woods every day but nothing concerning (F/N)'s murder or the stick has been received. I pardon my intrusion my lady but does it not seem, suspicious that only the Humans Queen is here? When she is so often guarded by the King, not only that but have you heard news from him after the incident?" King Gerald stepped up calling a swift gasp from Queen Liane and a stern gaze from Queen Sheila as she tried to make sense of why the Humans Queen arrived alone. Even she couldnt draw a logical conclusion, her husband was suspicious of the Humans and kept the fact they instagated the war in heart as he continued to pin facts and blame onto the Human kingdom, keeping their absence as a key tool in his speech.
But before Queen Liane could even utter a single phrase the powerful and loud voice of a Fairy spoke up. "Liane, if there is any way in which you may know of the sticks whereabouts or who murdered my husband in such cold blood, you will inform me. Correct?" she spat the words out with venom, shaking the Queen who nodded and pleaded that she infact knew nothing. Which was the truth. There was sense to King Geralds argument and the Lady of the white wood could see it. As Queen Liane became more friendly with the local men her husband and her drifted further apart, into his spiral of anger and jealousy, keeping her on his arm often and heavily guarding her.
Their icy meeting drew to a close as the sun began to set, each ruler returning to their kingdom giving the Princess a blessing. The Elf King blessed her with a strong sense of morality, so she could always know what was right and wrong. The Elf Queen blessed her with charisma, so that she was swift of tongue and well liked throughout the land. The Human Queen blessed her with perception, to be able to see things for how they really are and observe the things around her while noticing the anomalies.
But as Queen Liane stepped away from the Princess the Fairy Queen grasped at her wrist, looking deep into her eyes and soul. A feeling of air rusing between them and everything going cold created a shiver through Queen Liane's body as she broke away from her ally. With a nod the Fairy queen stepped away, back into her homeland. She walked with such pride and confidence it was hard to to see the aching in her eyes. But Queen Liane saw it. Hesitantly she stepped away from the ethreal presence of the Queen and into her carriage, returning her home to her King.
It was only a month later that a Elven soldier by the name of R.Marsh stumbled into the Human land of Zaron for rest after a long journey east of his home. Subsequently finding the Queen in a state of ruin, leading him to the King. Fat , calloused, taloned fingers clutching onto the relic for dear life. Hair shedded and skin greyed as his eyes bulged from his head and remained blood shot.
All the evidence for his conviction was found, and the King was hanged.
Witch Of The White Wood
FanfictionSouth Park Stick Of Truth X Reader I tried to make it as cinematic as possible I've already posted this onto Quotev but wanted another copy on another platform (Username Alyrah)