Prolouge: Hijacked Message

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In a world above what others below think is imaginary spirits watch over all those in all the worlds. One spirit, that looked like a pokemon, rushes to the end of a hall, he goes to a machine and pulls some levers and pushes some buttons, then a microphone appears, he speaks into it worried.

"You who can now hear my voice...Might you be...A Human? If you are then please...listen to my plea. We need you to save the Pokemon world. We need your...." The suddenly the machine started to spark and break down. The microphone went away he panicked. "No...No! NONONONONONONONONONONO!!! Now that human is in great danger and with this destroyed that human could meet the same fate as those before! What have I done?! I've put an innocent human in danger, I must find out who I sent to that world and find out what had come of my message to them!"

He leaves the room worried of what could have happen to the human. He finds out a little more as to what had happened to the old machine, it didn't fail it was sabotaged! He knows now what he must do, he must go and find the human before he could head into danger from the sabotaged message that was made for him. He flies away from the world above to find out what had happened to the human he had now possibly sent into danger.

In the mind of the human he could understand what was going on, it was all blurry, then the message from the spirit was heard but then...

""We need your...:" Suddenly everything around him was dark, and he heard a scared scream. "HELP" Then he saw it, a small frighten Munna being chased by a huge evil looking pokemon, the scary pokemon attacks the Munna and then it ends.

"Wha--! What was that just now?! What could it mean? Those Pokemon..." The human uttered. He soon saw what was his reflection. "... ...And now there's...something fuzzy...Huh? Wait...That blurry reflection... Could that" He had looked and seen his reflection. "... ...!!! Wh-what now?! My wavered, and now then..shifted... Almost as if I changed somehow..." Something was off, he had changed forms for some reason he didn't look like his human self anymore  he looked almost like an Axew? "I-I look like...I look like an Axew!" The human that had changed into an axew soon saw around him a cloudy area, and a pool of water that he stood on. He looked around worried and then looked down to see his reflection. "I-I knew it...I really did turn into an Axew..." He looked up to see something shining that was in front of him. "Huh? What's that light? I don't know why,  but... I feel as if that voice is calling for help..." He walked towards the light, then he fell through the water! Then everything went dark, he couldn't see, he blacked out.

Down below somewhere in a small woods, a small Pikachu was skipping along the path when something caught her eye, a Pokemon on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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