A Giant Drink and Rhe Small Drink

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Chalice- looks down "oh golly Cuphead! You're so adorable!" She picked him up "I could just eat you up!"
Cuphead-"ummm plz don't do that, the princess already did that"
Chalice- laughs "I would never eat you, you're adorable"
Cuphead- "h-hehe"
Chalice- hugs him into her breasts
Cuphead- blushes dark red
Soon mugman walked to where they where free from the giant breasts of Cala Maria
Mugman- "hey chalice!"
Chalice- she picked him up hugging him to
Mugman- blushes

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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A Giantess in Cuphead issue threeWhere stories live. Discover now