One: Music At School

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So today I was walking off campus and had my headphones on. I looked up too see everyone shouting at me. I took out my earbud and looked back and saw a professor yelling to come here. I pointed at myself like "are you talking to me?" And she mimicked me "yes you! Get your ass over here!" I walked over there slowly cuz I was still a little hesitant to see what was gonna happen. As soon as I walked up to her I looked around and everybody and I mean EVERYBODY was gone. Teachers were locked in their classrooms and students all scrammed. At this point I was fucking scared cuz I thought I was gonna get shot! She yelled at me like "What the hell is wrong with you?! No electronics on campus! My god that's a fire hazard! People could get hurt! Everybody is going home and you just walk around with yo headphones on all the time??" I tried to tell her that I just put them on and she was like "You are soooo lucky right now! Sooo lucky I don't tell the principal!!" And trust me I didn't feel so luck. As soon as she finished her lecture about being a citizen and safe and shit she ran, not jogged or speed walked but ran to her classroom and slammed the door. I didn't know if she was coming back or what so I left too. But you know what made me feel like I was gonna die? It was a BLACK female teacher about to whoop a bitch!! Oh god I'm still scared...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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