Meredy joins Sabertooth

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Meredy's POV

Ultear, you lied to me. We where supposed to have a mother/daughter relationship. I don't want to be alone, but you did this, you gave me the fear of being alone by attacking my village, killing my friends and family. I know that you were just following orders, but why did you keep it from me. I might have been able to forgive you earlier on, but you lied to me for so many years I don't think i could ever forgive you. As I'm watching you sink down, I want to go down and save you, but my growing hatred for you is not letting me, and I only have one thing to say to you too.
"I hate that I love you, Ultear."
I watch as Acnologia destroys Tenrou Island and and I only think of the only person who shed tears for my life, Juvia. I want to thank you for teaching me that life's worth living for someone important. I'm sorry, but I'm beginning a new life from now on, i won't let anyone get to close to me.

Sting POV

"The beach is a perfect place to train, right Lector." I ask my cat friend.
"It is, Sting, don't you think that you should say that once you actually start training?" he replied back. I feel heat rise up to my face, true I wasn't training, I just wanted to come because I feel like something important is coming, I don't know why, but of course I'm not telling them that, they'll think I'm crazy.
"Hey Rogue, why don't you train with me?" I ask the shadow dragon, but he just ignores me and continues playing with Frosch. I decide to test out how strong my white dragon breath has become, I'm 14 it should be as strong as Natsu-san's or even stronger. I look out to the ocean once more and notice a boat that seems to be coming alone. There's that feeling again, I feel like i should just go there and investigate.

Meredy's POV

When did I fall asleep, the last thing I remember is acnologia blowing up Tenrou Island. I look up and see that I'm near the shore, I see figures, I think is two persons and two... cats? Wait! one is coming this way, I have to leave, I'm not ready to face people yet. I jump off the boat and start running towards the other side.
"Wait!!!" I hear one of them scream. I look back and see that both of them are chasing me. The cats seem to have grown wings... wait, are those exceeds, I once heard Master Hades talking about them. I look back to see that the exceeds have picked up the boys and are reaching me. I look forward and stop just in time before I fall from a cliff. I give up, so i just sit down and face the sun that is going down indicating that it is turning night time.

Sting's POV

As I finally reached the person, I feel that this person is indeed important and I don't know why. One minute I'm about to check on him/her the next thing I know we're chasing him/her.
"Hey, who are you?" I ask the pink haired person that is just a few feet ahead of me. The person turns around and I realize that the person is actually a girl about the same age as me.
"Isn't it rude to not introduce yourself first before asking the other person for their name?" she responds and I notice that she has green eyes that seem to be void of emotions, she also has wing shaped earmuffs in her, well, ears.
"Oh...right, I'm Sting Eucliffe, the White Dragon Slayer of Sabertooth." I respond proudly.
" Never heard of Sabertooth before." she responds before turning back around. Well, there goes my pride. I realize she didn't respond back to me.
"Hey you never to-"
"Sting! wait up, why are you going so fast." I look to my right and see an exhausted Lector, probably from carrying me. Rouge finally manages to catch up to me and Frosch falls to the ground equally exhausted as Lector.
"Why were you running so fast?" Rouge asks me. I just simply look at the girl who is looking at us like if we're weirdoes. Rogue finally notices the girl and introduces himself.
"Hey, my names Rogue and the cat in the pink costume is Frosch."
"My name is Meredy." Is all she says before turning back around. Wait! She responds to him, but doesn't respond to me.

Meredy POV

Here I thought Zancrow was weird. I feel that they are staring at me. At least one of them introduces himself before asking my name. Talk about rude, even if i was from a Dark Guild I still know manners. I turn back around and start walking back, the blond one, I think his name is Sting, decides to walk next to me.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
" I'm walking back to were Rogue and I where training." He says in a 'duh' voice. I glare at him before telling him to move away, which of course, he only smirks and continue walking beside me.
"Sting, what are you doing?" asks Rogue, "leave the girl alone." At least someone does have manners. I turn around and offer him a polite smile and start walking towards another direction.

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