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Darkness that encroached on me cannot be erased. Drowning in an endless pool of unknown. Writhing. I shut my eyes close to stop it from further consuming me. Swirling in the depths of my mind that hides the mystery of the world. Only a key is required to stop this. Whoever is listening to my cries. "Please save my soul from the impending damnation of the world." I begged. "Please someone...." I held my hands out, helplessly reaching for something to grab me. I opened my eyes, peaking through the lids to see a small hint of light. Warm arms reached out from behind me. Enveloping me with its soft feathery touch. No! It was feathers, black feathers. A voice was calling out to me though I don't quite hear my name. I ignored the hands that was already wrapping itself around me. Simply to reach the light. When firm hands grabbed my torso. "Where are you going Carla?" Demonic voice came from behind me, it was dragging me down. Somehow I remember that name but I can't really figure it out. My name wasn't Carla, it was..........

"Eren come with me. I will save you." A man with silver white hair came out of nowhere. His hair had an undercut style, though there are some long strands that flows majestically as if we are submerged in the water. He was floating like me. His onyx like eyes glows sinister. A wide grin spread across his pale chiselled face. Horns protruding out of his head. Black wings came out of his back, more larger than him. It was intimidating yet the jet-black of his wings compliments well of our surrounding. His velvety sweat voice that speaks of promises yet the venom of betrayal was clearly visible. A long scaly tail that had the color of his skin wiggles side to side.

Hesitation registered in my face. All of the voice that calls out to me made me confused. I clutched my hair, shutting my eyes to stop seeing this scary visions. My plethora of thoughts was becoming hazy and soon I felt I was being sucked out of the hellhole.

"Ahhhrrrrggg!!!!!" I screamed. Panicked surge my nerves and small beads of sweat pooled down my wet shirt. Gripping the ends of my sheets I even my breathing by inhaling and exhaling deeply. My heartbeat was beating so fast I'm afraid it will came out of my mouth. I clutched my chest. Finding it hard to catch my breath. I was having another attack again. My door pushed open and my parents barged in. "Eren what is it?" My mother asked. Concerned filled her eyes as I felt her motherly affection radiating off of her. I huffed and puffed, it was hard to speak when your lungs are trying it's hardest to fill it with oxygen. They hugged me. My mother was in the verge of tears and my father patted my hair gingerly. "Take it easy Eren we are here for you." Father said. His tone reassured me and I felt my eyes closing again. Everything was tiring even my dream was. They lay me down gently both kissing my forehead. A smile made its way to my sleeping form. "Good night son." The last thing I heard was the click of my door closing shut. Then a faint whispered was heard. "Good night my beloved Carla. I'm always watching you." I ignored it knowing that it must be my imagination. Then the darkness takes over completely.


A/N: Finally it's out now. Don't forget to comment, vote and add it to your reading list. Damn if it wasn't from that dream I had last night I won't do this. Thank you dream. I know it's telling me to stop procrastinating of this story so here y'all go my yaoi lovers. Another riren fanfics and this time it's angels and demons.

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