No One Better

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No One Better (VanossGaming)

Dysis groaned as her coworkers walked into her and caused her to fall down, she wasn't like them. She dyed her hair constantly and she listened to strange music, not the pop music that everyone liked. She listened to people they had never heard of, she played video games meant to entertain boys of all ages and her eyes were two different colors. They despised her very existence, ever since they were all in seventh grade and Dysis made friends with Nikki's soon to be boyfriend, Nikki hated her ever since and turned Dysis' new friend against her. Daithi just made her feel like hell after he met Nikki, but then he realized that it was causing Dysis to become suicidal and he stopped to become her friend once again. This time he didn't let her go and let her meet his friends Brian, Brock, and Marcel.

They all got along great and they loved the fact that they all were great at Grand Theft Auto V, and she had played with them before. Only Wildcat, Delirious, and Lui seemed to notice, but Dysis wanted the leader of the group to acknowledge her. She played with them because she lived with Daithi and he put speakers on so she could hear what they were talking about and she knew what to do on a heist or when someone wanted her to step back and be the getaway driver. Evan messaged Daithi privately, and then he decided to call his Irish friend.

"Evan? What're you calling for?"

"Who's the extra player who always plays with us? The username is always LivingNightmare?"

"That's my roommate why?"

"He plays well, does he have a YouTube channel?"

"No she doesn't, she is afraid that her old tormentors will find her again."


"Yup, Dysis is a girl, her username is because of a song and Five Nights character."

"There's a song?"

"Yeah, made by Nate." The two talked for a bit longer before Dysis walked in and Daithi hung up quickly and he smiled.

"So...I have a surprise for you!"

"What is it Nogla?"

"I've gotten you a microphone and sent our friends your Skype name so you can join the group officially!" Dysis' eyes widened and she tackled her Irish roommate,

"Thank you! I'll never repay you!" He shakes his head and then he sits at his Xbox in his room and Dysis sits at the one in the living room, both of them starting at the same time on their accounts. Instantly Wildcat, Lui, Delirious, and Vanoss joined them and they started killing Nogla, earning screams from the Irishman. Her Skype call sound went off and she accepted the group call from everyone, she waved to the camera and then she no-scoped and killed both Daithi and Vanoss,

"What?! Nightmare whyyyy?" Vanoss whined and she laughed,

"I didn't mean to Vanoss! And Daithi shut up!" Nogla had been just screaming in the background and he pouted on the screen, making Dysis laugh. Evan took that time to look over her, she had a green and a blue eye, her nose was dotted with freckles, and her hair was a perfect balance of blue, purple, and black. Tyler started coughing and he quickly recovered from staring and he started playing until he got a private message from Jonathan:

Do you like Dysis??

So her name's's pretty, Evan slapped himself lightly and then he shot Delirious, who laughed harder,

"I KNEW IT!" He screamed and then laughed harder. Dysis' character walked up and she started laughing so hard she cried,


"Call me Evan, Nightmare."

"Then call me Dysis." The two eventually join together and go around killing everyone else and then laugh as Brock accidentally forgot to equip his parachute as he jumped off the building they were on.

~~~ Two Years Later ~~~

Dysis had moved out and moved in with Evan, the two had been dating ever since the night Daithi told him about her and Jonathon had teased them both. Dysis was happy about everything until she heard a female voice come from Evan's Skype and she started crying and that alerted Evan that she was back from shopping,

"Honey? What's wrong?"

"Who's on the Skype?"



"Yeah," He turned to his camera, "Hey Minx I have to go!"

"Okay bye!" Evan turned to Dysis, who was turned away from him and quietly sobbing, he kissed her shoulder and turned her to face him,

"What's wrong?"

"It all started with that game...what if you meet someone who's better than me?!" Evan's eyes widened and he instantly knew why she was crying,

"There's no way, you're the only one I want now and forever...why do you doubt that?"

"Because your subscribers say that I'm not good enough for you, that you need someone who is a gamer and has a channel too." Evan gathered her in his arms, kissed her head, and swayed with her,

"They are jealous, they just want to be where you are right now. Safe in my arms and loved by me...Dysis, honey don't doubt yourself again." Dysis nodded and then kissed him softly, the two pulled away and smiled at each other before a knock was at the door and the two started their birthday surprise for Tyler.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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