Not So Different- Chapter 1

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The bustling streets of Seattle, gray, wet with rain; exactly the way you liked them. Compared to Curden Cay it was paradise, and that's saying quite a bit since you were stuck there for a good 5 years. Labeled a "bio-terrorist" at the ripe old age of 12 made you really hate people, even after that scum Augustine got ratted out on national television and you were released. At first, it still sucked, plenty of people didn't take too kindly to someone like you, but then you met some folks that changed your thinking a little bit. Delsin, Fetch, and Eugene found you asleep in an alley one night and showed you what you desperately needed to see: a second chance. It took a little tinkering with your powers, on yours and Delsin's part since he asked to Mimic yours, but you were able to find a place in society along with the other Conduits, making sure to have their backs while they had yours.

Today, you and your friends were doing a little charity work for the Seattle Police Department in honor of Delsin's brother Reggie. You helped out busting another drug ring and after dark, you worked your magic in the kitchen for a big cookout. While everyone was chowing down, you got down to business with a little surprise for Delsin that you and Fetch had been working on. You got his attention just as he was taking another bite of potato salad when you formed a crystal in your hand which grew as you set it down and you formed it into a life-size replica of Reggie which Fetch proceeded to give a sweet neon glow to.

"I'll be damned, looks just like him...if he were drenched in nuclear waste." Delsin chuckled as you all laughed, losing Reggie was really hard on him from what the others told you but it sounded like the wake-up call he needed and you were glad he still had a sense of humor to go with it.

Eventually, the night grew old and you headed back to your apartment, where a hot shower and a soft bed greeted you with open arms; something you never got tired of. As you started to zone out for the night, however, you saw this blinding light go flying past your window before crashing into the park behind your building. A normal person would call 911 but you decided to investigate after putting on your clothes again. It wasn't hard to find given the car-sized crater but it was shining so bright that you couldn't tell exactly what it was. You couldn't look right at it and yet there was this allure to it, your body couldn't help answering whatever was calling you to this...thing. You reached out to touch it, and as soon as you made contact you felt yourself shift to somewhere entirely different...and then you felt all of your strength leave you as you started falling, a giant forest being the last thing you see before blacking out.


It was a typical quarterly examination at Beacon Academy, teams were sent into the Emerald Forest to retrieve a "relic" as described by Professor Ozpin while the faculty graded their performance. Team CFVY was in peak condition as they charged through the hordes of Grimm, Yatsu and Coco covering Fox and Velvet as they deal with a King Taijitu guarding the cave where Ozpin put the relic. Fox's blades slashed across the reptile left and right, Velvet mimicking Fox in weapon and motion thanks to her capture box before they both jumped up and cleaved through the serpent's necks. The snake dissolving into shadow as Coco shot down the last of the Beowolves before regrouping with the team.

"Good work everyone." Coco said in her usual confident tone as the boys nodded

"Now let's grab this relic and head b-" Velvet said but saw a light in the sky behind Coco, and it was headed right for them, "LOOK OUT!"

Thankfully, everyone had time to get out of the way when they saw this thing hurtling towards them and crashing in front of the cave entrance. The dust settled a few moments later and Velvet and the others saw...a boy. He looked to be about their age with (h/c) hair cut short with an (f/c) t-shirt under a leather jacket that looked to have crystal spikes running down the sleeves along with jeans and a pair of brown boots.

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