This is something my boyfriend and I are co-writing with our MLP OCs.
Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there lived in the treacherous mountains a dark stallion. This dark-hearted stallion's name? Chaos Evil.
He was alone but for the exception of his guards. He had a coat as black as night. His firey mane and tail was blood red and midnight blue. His wings had the appearance of blood red dragon wings, and his eyes were reptilian, red and black. His cutie mark was of 2 orbs, one red and the other orange, with the 7 cycles of the moons between them..
Although he was not well known, he considered himself more powerful than his father, the great Discord himself. Of course, before that awful pegasus, Fluttershy, taught Discord the power of friendship and love. Ugh, how he despised those words. Chaos himself, of course, had never been defeated by something as weak as love or understanding another pony.
He liked to take walks in the Everfree Forest. His kingdom was located at the edge of the forest. He would often walk among the trees, enjoying the solitude. He once found some old castle ruins. He was not able to tell who the two rulers were, he had seen two thrones, but he didn't really care. He would sometimes talk to a zebra named to Zecora. He was interested in the history of Equestria, and Zecora had much to tell, even if she did speak in rhymes.
Occasionally during his walks, he would hear a mare's voice coming from the trees, but he never cared enough to investigate. Why should he? He believed that he was better off alone. But was he?