The Hybrid's wife comes home

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 I drove to Mystic Falls, after I finally found Klaus, thanks to a hybrid, who had told me where to find him. I pull into the driveway, get out of the car and walk up to the front door, as I get closer I hear that Finn, Kol and Rebekah are awake and I hear fear in Klaus's voice. I open the door just as Rebekah stabs him.

 "This is for our mother." she says.

 "That's enough, Rebekah." I say causing everyone in the room to look at me in surprise, including Klaus. Shock and relief over take his face as well as happiness, as I walk towards him. "Hello, Nik." my soft voice makes my European accent more prominent.

 "AraBell..." he whispers, I nod as he falls to his knees grabbing onto my thighs tightly crying and murmuring "You're alive."

 "Shh, Niklaus, I'm here, I'm here." I whisper to him, while running my hands through his hair.

 "Ara, how are-"

 "Hold your tongue, Elijah, I will deal with you later." I say my fangs flashing dangerously at him and he looks down in fear. Looking around the room I notice the Salvatore brothers were there as well. "Well if it isn't the Ripper, himself." I say, Stefan catching my eyes.

 "You know who I am?" he asks confused.

 "Who wouldn't?" I reply.

 "How do you know him?" Damon asks looking at Klaus. By then Klaus had stood up behind me and wrapped one arm around my waist and intertwined my fingers with his free hand. His head was resting on my shoulder softly his warm breath tickling the side of my neck.

 "Shall we tell them, Nik?" I ask, he nods nuzzling my neck, breathing in my scent. "I'm his wife, his mate." I bite my tongue to keep from laughing at their reactions.

 "You're his wife... and a vampire?" Stefan states in a disbelieving tone and I merely shrug.

 "How long have you both been together as vampires?" Damon asks curiously.

 "Nearly 600 years, I'm a century older than Katherine." I tell him.

 "You know who Katherine is?" Stefan asks shock coloring his voice.

 "Oh, I know who Katherine is, and I'll gladly rip her heart out if she's crosses my path." I tell him a small chuckle leaving my lips. I pull away from Klaus and walk towards his brother. "On your knees, Elijah." the order leaves my lips as I walk around him. "Do you remember the night in 1760 when I came to you asking if you had any word from Klaus?"

 "Yes, I remember." his voice leaves in a whisper.

 "You lied to me when you said you had no word on him. Why did you lie, Elijah?" I hiss my gaze burning in his.

 "I did not wish to give you false hope." he tells me removing his gaze from my glare. I snap his neck and walk to Klaus tired of his excuses.

 "False hope my ass." I say rolling my eyes before looking at the Salvatore brothers. "Go. I want alone time with my husband." After being sure they'd left I pour myself a glass of whiskey.

 "How did you find me?" Klaus asks me curiosity filling his eyes.

 "One of your hybrids told me." I say nursing the glass leaning against the table. He looks at my surprise joining his ever growing curiosity. "That is another story for another time though."

 "I like what you've done with the place, Nik." Rebekah says sacracstically. Nik and I look at her as she picks up a glass vase and throws it against the wall.

 "I wanted it to be for all of us, a place we could be a family, a place to call home." he says sadly, I rub my hand up and down his back comfortingly, he looks at me, tears filling his eyes. They all look at eachother.

 "We're all leaving you behind, Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger wench." she tells him.

 "Bekah," I whisper shaking my head sadly at her.

 "If you run I will hunt all of you down." my husband says.

 "Then you'll become the very thing you hate," Finn smirks. "Our father."

"I'M THE HYBRID!" Klaus roars pointing at himself. "I CAN'T BE KILLED! I've nothing to fear from any of you!"

 "You will when we have that coffin." Kol chuckles as the door opens. We all turn simultaneously to see Esther walk in. I look toward Klaus who is violently shaking in fear, his eyes shifting everywhere except to meet her gaze.

 "Mother..." Rebekah whispers as she walks towards Klaus. He reaches for my hand and squeezes it so hard that if I were human I'd have been whimpering in pain, instead I squeeze back to reassure him.

 "Look at me." Esther tells him and he does. "Do you know why I'm here?"

 "You're here to kill me. he replies sadly.

 "Niklaus, you're my son and I'm here to forgive you." she says to him and I stare at her disbelieving, I knew she was up to something. Elijah looks at me as he comes to and lunges for me, throwing me into a wall. I try to get up but seeing as I hadn't had fresh blood in the past two days I wasn't nearly as strong as him. He starts punching and kicking me and finally shoves a dagger in my stomach. Thankfully Rebekah shoves him off me. I groan pulling it out and rolling over coughing up blood. Klaus rushes over to me with a blood bag. I drain it quickly slowly pulling myself to my feet. Klaus holds on to me tight seeing as I wobbled a little getting up.

 "You ok, love?" he asks concerned.

 "I'm fine, I knew he'd be mad I just didn't expect the dagger in my stomach." I tell him and lean forward as he wraps his arms around me.

 "Thank you, Rebekah, for saving my wife." he tells her and she bows her head to him.

 "Of course, brother." she replies with a small smile.

 Klaus informs his mother of me and she allows us to retire for the night. He leads me to his room and I smile glad we could finally be husband and wife again.

 "This is my room- well ours now that you're here and we're together again." he tells me. I look at him before pulling him to the couch. I sit down and he does the same laying his head in my lap. I run my hands through his hair softly. "They all hate me." his voice cracks as he begins crying. I pull him closer but that causes him to cry harder. He holds on to me tightly as though I were his lifeline. Suddenly I'm reminded of when we first met, how he'd have nightmares of his younger brother Henrik being killed by werewolves and how Mikeal would lash out at him. That was when he'd open up to me and I just held him as he would cry, scream and thrash around.

 "Let it out, Nik." I whisper as he screams and cries grabbing onto me tighter, I just held him. It took a good thirty minutes before he calmed down. His breathing evens out I know he's asleep.

Me and the Hybrid (A Klaus Mikaelson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now