Everywhere But Here

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I searched everywhere, calling his phone repeatedly again getting his voicemail. I knew he was upset about his lose to Dwayne last night and wanted to be left alone to wallow in his misery but this was important. I had to find him. Fast. I spotted Randy and raced over to him as fast as my swollen feet would take me

“Orton, have you seen John?” I breathed heavily, out of breath

“Yeah, I passed by him a few seconds ago. He’s on his way to the curtain. What’s the rush, Lena? “ he asked, concern all over his face

 “I have to find John.” I said speed walking to the curtain. When I was about halfway there, I could hear John’s music hit. I was too late. I watched him walk down the ramp on the closest monitor, a solem look on his face. The crowd booed him all the way down to the ring

“I never thought of losing. But now that it has happened the only thing to do is to do it right. That is the obligation he owes to those that believe in him.” John started off

“Damn it.” I cursed to myself. One of the techies ran by and I snatched him up “Get me a mic.” I said releasing him “HURRY!” I growled, turning back to the monitor

“If I have let anyone down, then I’m sorry. All that I can do is wipe the slate clean and earn my way back up. “John continued

“No John, please.  Give me a second.” I begged even though I knew he couldn’t hear my pleas. I’ve been trying to tell him all day and I couldn’t find the heart to do it. Now was my last chance. Before it was too late, before he got to John first and I couldn’t let that happen. The techie came running back, mic in hand. I snatched it from him and went to the curtain. My nerves got the best of me, stopping me in my tracks

“This is why I love RAW. I would just like to take the moment to recognize The Rock as the better man and congratulate him on his victory.”  I heard John say. Now was my chance. I forced my feet to go through the curtain

“John! John. I have something I need to tell you, before it’s too late.” I said, walking down the ramp, my heart hammering. I stopped when I was at the bottom, not wanting to tell him face to face like the coward I was. This was going to kill him. As if losing to The Rock last night had not already been enough.

“What is it?” He asked

“It’s about the baby.” I said, my hand instinctively going to my six in a half months pregnant belly. “John… I made a mistake. When we stopped talking after our fight a few months ago… I was so upset I… I was hurt and confused. I never meant for it to happen but it did…” I trailed off. The crowd was silent, waiting for me to continue

“What are you saying Lena?” John asked, his blue eyes burning, smothering me from inside the ring. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply as the words flew out of my mouth

“What I’m saying is, John, that… I slept with someone else and…” my throat felt like it was going to close up any second. Tears blurred my vision as I continued “You might not be the father of my baby.” I revealed. The crowd booed loudly and the faint chant of “Slut” broke out.

“What the hell do you mean I might not be the father? If I’m not the father than who-“John started but he was interrupted by the cords of “Here Comes The Pain” blaring through the arena. I shut my eyes, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt his presence behind me and my eyes met his briefly as he passed, climbing the stairs and entering between the ropes. John looked at him, surprised to see him in the flesh after his seven year absence. John clapped along with the crowd. He stuck out his hand and John shook it, but then he picked John up, effortlessly throwing him over his massive shoulders and delivered an F5. I watched from the outside, horrorstruck as he kicked John’s hat out of the ring. I climbed the stairs and went through the ropes knelt next to John’s lifeless body

“John! John, I’m so sorry. I never meant for things to turn out this way, I’m sorry!” I cried. A strong hand grabbed my arm too forcefully and yanked me to my feet and I was met with steel blue eyes

“What the hell is wrong with you, Brock?” I demanded, twisting my arm from his grip “I told you I would tell him. That didn’t give you the fucking right to do this!” I screamed at him. He paid my bitching no mind as he went to retrieve a microphone from the ref. I watched as he stood over John

“And just in case you didn’t get the hint, Johnny boy.” He said, a sick smirk playing on his lips “I’m the father.” He announced before dropping the mic with a thud next to John’s head

I started to go check on John, worried he was hurt, but Brock blocked my way.

“Come on, we’re leaving, now.” He growled

“Brock just let me make sure he’s okay!” I insisted, trying to step around him, but he grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me against his massive chest

“I said we’re leaving. Let’s go Lena. Now.” He barked in my face, making me cower

“Okay Brock.” I whimpered. The crowd booed as he dragged me up the ramp. I glanced back at John lying in the middle of the ring one last time before we disappeared behind the curtain. Brock led me down the hall, all eyes staring, and most eyes at me disapprovingly. I my head to the floor as Brock intertwined his fingers in mine as we walked to his dressing room. I sobbed as I sunk down onto the couch, my head in my hands. Brock came over and kneeled down in from of me, pulling me in for a hug, but I pushed him away

“Why did you do that to him? He didn’t do anything to you!”

 “He did everything to me when he took you away from me after I left. You should have been with me, not him.”

“I’m only with John because of you! You just disappeared out of thin air and left the company without even telling me, Brock! I came back from my injury to find out that my boyfriend left and went to UFC without even having the decency to fucking tell me. Now you think you can just come back after all this time and barge back into my life? What, did you expect me to still be in love with you after seven years of not hearing from you? Not one phone call? I waited for months for you to call.” I said, my eyes clouding with tears. “For you to tell me why you left me. Why you didn’t have the balls to break up with me to my face. I thought you loved me.” I said, my tears releasing

“Come on Lena, don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry.” He said, caressing my cheeks, wiping my tears away with the back of his hand. “I’m sorry I left the way I did. Leaving you the way I did was selfish and childish. That’s not me anymore. I’ve grown up. And I realize that I was wrong. I loved you Lena and I still do. You know that my heart belongs to you” He said, resting his hand on my belly, his eyes pleading

I had no choice but to forgive him for the hurt he has put me through. I was still in love with him. He had a piece of me that John could never have. I belonged with him just as much as he does to me, and if seven years of separation couldn’t change that, nothing could.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2012 ⏰

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