sassygrl has signed on
creampuff177 has signed on
redvinelver has signed on
flyinaround has signed on
sassygrl: Hey guys!
redvinelver: Hey Shannon.
creampuff177: Hi Shannon! Hi Jess! Didn't expect to see you.
flyinaround: Hi girls.
sassygrl: Hey Peter.
creampuff177:'s summer going?
redvinelver: Great! I just got back from the beach.
flyinaround: Just got back from camping. Can't stop thinking about how soon we'll be in school.
sassygrl: Oh yeah! School starts in a month!
redvinelver: Don't wanna think about it.
creampuff177: That went by fast.
sassygrl: What do you think we'll be doing for the musical this year?
flyinaround: Yeah. Gonna be hard to top Charlie and the Chocolatte Factory.
redvinelver: Hm...what about Annie?
sassygrl: Jess, you did Annie two months ago in camp.
redvinelver: Yeah, but it was super fun!
creampuff177: Guys, we can't do Annie.
flyinaround: Yeah, way too overdone.
dBrowyn has signed on
dBrowyn: What are you kids talking about?
sassygrl: Oh hi Mrs. Browyn.
creampuff177: We're trying to think of a musical to do this year.
dBrowyn: What about Annie?
flyinaround: We already thought about that.
sassygrl: Too overdone.
redvinelver: Maybe we need some more research.
creampuff177: Yeah. I can't think of too much right now.
flyinaround: I'll look up some more musicals.
sassygrl: I will too.
dBrowyn: I can order sample scripts to read through.
creampuff177: I'll google some musicals.
redvinelver: Sounds great! I'll see you guys soon. Bye.
sassygrl: Bye!
creampuff177: Bye!
dBrowyn: Bye kids.
flyinaround: Bye girls.
redvinelver has signed off
sassygrl has signed off
creampuff177 has signed off
flyinaround has signed off
dBrowyn has signed off
Blocking and Choreography: What Happens Before the Audition
RandomYou know school musicals. But what happens before the callbacks? Watch four students-Shannon, Jess, Maggie, and Peter-along with their teacher Mrs. Browyn try to find the perfect musical to put on. Based on real events.