Hey Dear,
I sincerely apologize for the long break, but we are back now. Hope you've been good?
Today's Gem:
A wise old man once told me, "Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge, so never jump into conclusions".
Look at the clouds... They look like soft cotton balls... Heck we see pictures of chubby cherubim with the rosy cheeks sleeping ever so peacefully on them. However, actual reading and studies revealed that they are made up of nothing more than water vapor. Just water vapor.
So imagine I didn't know and acting on just my assumptions, I boarded a plane and I don't know, jumped out, expecting to land on a soft, very soft cotton cloud. Well at least I'll confirm it's soft... Soft enough to pass through and land to my... *shudders... I don't even want to picture it.
That's what assumption does. It kills! Literally and figuratively. It has ended lives, killed relationships, destroyed friendships, broken homes, dissolved businesses and many more.Always ask; always confirm.
If you don't feel comfortable asking, sorry hun, but you need to get out of your comfort zone. Cos it's only when you do that, that you can truly achieve anything. Besides, I'm pretty sure the discomfort of asking will be nothing compared to the discomfort that will come in the wake of the mistake arising from the assumption. Just remember, things aren't always as they seem.
Reste beni.