Mister Boyfriend Material

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Football practice sucked. I mean yeah, the hot cheerleader babes were there to cheer you on, and yeah, all of your guy friends were there too, but the coach was a hardass, and you were sick of running laps.

Charles let out a sigh of relief as the coach blew the whistle, beckoning them over with his abnormally large hands. People would tease that with a dick that small, and hands that big, that Coach had a lonely life.

Charles felt someone slap his back. He didn't bother to look back since he knew it was Jakob, his best friend since First Grade.

"Yo Charlie, did you see what Vicky was wearing today?"

He spun around. A phrase like that always got his attention. Even if Vicky was Jakob's girlfriend, and not his. "What??"

"She had one of those short shirts, you know, the ones that don't reach past the bellybutton?"


"And tight-ass short shorts. And you know that glitter stuff? She had that on, but she said there was no other makeup on her. You think she meant it?"

Charles shrugged, picturing the girl in his head.  He wouldn't mind dating Vicky. She was pretty hot, and in honor classes with him. But he didn't ask her out fast enough.

The team stood around the coach, as he rambled on about the homecoming game. They still had a bit of time, but the coach was obsessed with it.

Unlike him, the rest of them didn't care. The team completely ignored the coach, until they were finally dismissed. (Of course, after running laps for being 'disrespectful').

Charles followed Jakob back to the locker room, and stood by Jakob's locker while he worked on opening it. His friend was never the best with anything that required the use of his brain. Good thing he was hot, or he'd be a total loser. No homo.

"So, any plans for Friday? I heard that the class president was throwing a party after the game, but you didn't hear that from me," Jakob grinned.

Charles shook his head. "I planned on doing absolutely nothing, cause I don't know about you, but those games wear me out," he finally turned to his own locker, struggling with the lock for a moment, before throwing the door open and grabbing his clothes. "Coming?"

Jakob shrugged. "I'd honestly rather sit in my car and get head from Vicky..." He held his phone up, showing Charles a few texts, and even more pictures, mostly of Vicky and her adventures in the locker room.. If that's what you call squeezing your tits and making a duck face at some mirror. Hot, but strange..

"Suit yourself," he shrugged, heading to the showers.


The shower was felt amazing, but Charles couldn't spend his whole night in there.. something about having other men showering next to him was discomforting..

He was now heading out to his car, a used one he had gotten for his birthday. Nobody knew it was used, as Charles had cleaned her up. As he neared his parking space, he saw a girl leaning against his baby (his car). That was his girlfriend, Tonya; he knew those blue highlights anywhere.. and that shiny makeup.. The one named after the school thing..

"Hey babe," he smiled, allowing himself to be pulled into a kiss. When he could finally pull back, he lifted her up into a hug. "Since when were you allowed to use my car as an armrest?" Charles teased.

Tonya only smiled and went to kiss him again. "I have a pass," she replied, and glanced around. When she seemed satisfied by the lack of people, she flashed him. Already great, but the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra made it even better.

Charles blushed, and suddenly climbed into the backseat of his car. "Get in."

She did, and they.. cuddled.

Gah this is so short, like my weenie

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