Noah's Arc

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  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth...

"Adam. Adam, wake up."

"Ughhh, whaaat?" 

Adam sat up and stretched, blinking around blearily. Steve was crouched beside him, his dark eyes serious - as always. Adam huffed a strand of hair out of his face and took in his surroundings; the same dark cave he'd fallen asleep in.

"Bandits?" He asked, following Noah's gaze to the entrance of the cave, "zombies?"

"Much weirder, come on."

Steve straightened up with more grace in his little toe than Adam had in his entire body. It took him three strides to reach the cave mouth, Adam stumbling behind him.

"What the fuck."

Last night Adam had looked out onto a broken city scape before turning in for the night. This morning there was a huge, stretching desert and some guy in robes building what looked like a huge boat.

"My sentiments exactly," Steve muttered, shielding his eyes against the sun, "where are we?"

"Not to be cliche, but I think you mean when are we," Adam said, stepping out into the curiously dusty air, "having been raised a good little Catholic, I'd be willing to bet we're looking down on Noah and his Arc."

"Don't be an idiot," Steve scowled, "time travel isn't real."

"Yeah, neither are zombies, right?" Adam arched his brows at Steve, "come on, let's go talk to them."

"And if they try to kill us?"

Adam raised the machete that had become like another limb and gave it a wiggle in Steve's direction.

"Don't worry," he smirked, "I'll protect you."

Steve rolled his eyes and followed Adam.

"Won't they speak, like, ancient Hebrew or something?" he called after Adam.

"Dunno," Adam called back, "come on!"

The two boys walked across the desert, watching the arc grow closer with every step. It was huge, bigger than a yatch.

Not as big as the Symphony of the Seas, Adam thought.

As they approached, they began noticing animals milling around. A couple of lions, some wolves, a pair of snakes and two polar bears. They didn't acknowledge the boys, other than a sniff or glance in their direction.

"Hello?" Adam called as they reached the arc, "hello? Anyone here?"

"Father, father, travellers!"

A tall man with a broad chest emerged from the gaping hole in the side of the boat. Behind him a girl stood, watching with bright curiosity.

"Can I help you?" the man asked.

"You speak English?" Steve asked skeptically. The man looked at him.

"Of course, if I spoke in Adamic, none of the readers would understand," he said, "so, what can I do for you?"

"Well, we're sort of hoping to avoid a flood that's coming," Adamn said, glancing at Steve who was watching Noah with a look of confusion and disbelief. Noah's expression changed to one of surprise.

"My Lord God has called you here?" he asked, "He did not say..."

"Yeah, He's pretty keen for us to get on," Adam said, "uh... We can help finish it off, if you want?"

"No, no, that's not necessary," Noah said, still looking unsure, "I have to pray about this. Wait here."

He motioned to the girl, still lurking behind him and she step out into the light, looking at them curiously with dark eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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