#14 - Possibility of Success

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Kate felt guilty not going back to rescue Pal, Alice, Nadine, and her forgotten imaginary friend. She didn't know why she hadn't gone back, but as the months passed she learns that she's too afraid to go back. But the problem is that she isn't afraid of anything. So what is going on? Is this Naywonrememburus' doing?

During one April night she wanted to have the courage travel there, but she couldn't find any courage for herself. This didn't feel like this could be Naywonrememburus' doing. It had to be something to do with Kate...and she knew it. There is something Kate is afraid of. But what is it?

Is she afraid of Naywonrememburus? No, Kate was definitely brave enough to face that foe. Was it the thought of not being able to come back to the real world? No, but it was a scary thought. And Kate was willing to do anything to go back and save her friends. Even the one that she forgotten about. And anyone else who was wrongfully accused to be saved as well. So where is her fear coming from?

Kate: I'm being ridiculous. I must go to sleep. Dream up a rocket and head back.

Kate closed her eyes and put aside her fear she couldn't identify and concentrated with what she had to do.

But when she woke up two seconds later. The goosebumps on her arms were back again. Same with her shivering soul. And also with the same forgetfulness she had when she came back to reality. What did she see? Was it worth forgetting?

Kate: I think I'm not fully back home. Part of my mind is still underneath Naywonrememburus' mind. But why do I keep forgetting?

Kate kept trying to go back. But the same things kept happening when she came back home to her crib. But every failure that came across her path didn't make her give up. She will keep going until everything goes back to the way that it was before.

Lucia, George, and Brain

These three didn't forget what happened during that November afternoon, but they never talked about it since that day.

 On November 13, a Saturday Afternoon at Brain's house:

Lucia: We can't tell anyone about this. Not anyone.

Brain: Sounds like a good plan. Don't want to ruin anyone's scientific point of view of the universe like it did to me.

George: But we can still talk about it with each other? This discovery is too cool to not talk about.

Lucia: I don't see why not. We can form a secret club no one will know about. So secret that it doesn't have a name.

Brain: No.

George: Huh?

Lucia: Why not?

Brain: You said that we cannot tell anyone. And that should include us. No can ever know. Even if we are being very careful. We can't discuss this.

George: Come on, Brain. We discovered something that used to be impossible. We can't let this go.

Lucia: I know what this is really about.

Brain: What do you mean?

Lucia: You want to go back to the old world that you once knew. Until you got spoiled that the universe is holding secrets you never knew about.

Brain: No. I want none of this to exist.

Lucia: Too bad you didn't got a chance to wish that when that giant perfect circle cloud was here, before you wished it away.

Brain: Don't you see what this discovery is doing to us. It's ruining our friendship.

Lucia: Fine, then don't ruin it, and accept the reality of magic. Or at least accept it as science.

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