2 years ago my dad and I went squirrel hunting. We wait 20 minuets and then i see a squirrel i take a shot but miss. We wait more time and by this time it is 2 hours in but don't see a squirrel so we go home. It is the next day and we go out again we wait 10 minuets and see a squirrel i take the shot and hit the squirrel. Now we go farther in the woods to this really cool place i see a squirrel but miss. Now we go home. Now it is the third day. Today I use the 410 shotgun. At first we wait 10 minuets but don't see a squirrel so we go to the really cool place. I see a squirrel and kill it. We wait 10 more minuets i see a squirrel and kill it 10 more minuets i see a another and kill it. My dad and i agreed to go home. forth day we go strait to the cool place. We wait 20 minuets and see one squirrel and i kill it then we wait 1 hour and 40 minuets and go home. We are home and now that we squirrel we make squirrel pot pie. Day 5 we go out this time we go around to the cool place and only kill one squirrel and in all that it takes us 4 hours so we go home.