Chapter 1

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"Not here, not here either, not under this rock, over this loop, maybe... this giant suspicious ring?"

Sonic the Hedgehog, searching through every nook and cranny of Green Hill for these so called "Chaos Emeralds" he had never heard about. Normally he wouldn't be searching for random items such as these but this was a major exception. His arch-nemises, Dr. Eggman, is also searching for these gems, in hopes to use them for powering up his robots to defeat the blue blur. So he had to find one, even just one would be enough to stop him in his tracks. So far he isn't having any luck.

"Where can they be?!" He yelled out in frustration, his hands grabbing his quills, almost pulling them out. He wasn't about to give up just yet. Seeing that Green Hill was a bust, he ran to another zone that logically would be full of emeralds, Emerald Hill.

As soon as he arrived at the new zone he saw his fox buddy sitting down with a gadget and a large green gem in his lap. Thinking about it, the hedgie thought that it could just be a regular emerald. Walking over to his best friend, who wasn't even paying any attention to him, he zipped behind him and gently rested his arms on the fox's head. "Hey Tails, whatcha doin?" He asked with a little chuckle.

"Oh hey Sonic! I'm not doing much, just examining this green rock I found during a plane ride. It's amazing how sparkly it is, even when the sun isn't shining on it." Tails answered Sonic's question, typing away on his device, making sure to gather the smallest of details.

"Mind if I see it for myself?"

"This could be the chaos emerald I read about in the guide. It looks an awful lot like one too."

He thought as he waited for Tails to give him an answer as soon as he finished typing the facts.

"Go ahead!" Tails gingerly handed over the green gem into Sonic's hand.

Sonic's emerald eyes then sparkled the same way the emerald did. He felt this surge of power go through and leave him, thinking that he felt a connection with it. The more he held it, the more he wanted to throw it. He didn't exactly know why, but his arm had other plans as he chucked that emerald as far as he could launch it, immediately chasing after it, knocking Tails over with the sudden gust of wind.

"Sonic what the heck are you doing with that emerald!?" He shouted in anger and shock, getting up on his feet, and was about to go after him but then he realized, Sonic's just being Sonic. He shrugged and then took out a light blue emerald that looked exactly like the green one from his tails.

When he came back safely holding the rock, he noticed Tails had another one.

"What is this witchcraft going on here?! How did he get another one of those chaos emeralds?!"

Internally, Sonic was freaking out. He remained calm and let out a huge sigh before speaking what his mind was freaking out about. "Where did you find these? I've been looking EVERYWHERE for them!"

"Well... I found that green one while flying over here, something shiny caught my eye, so I landed and went to go check it out. It was buried over there." He pointed at the hole that was a few feet away from them. "Then this light blue one was in a pool I was swimming around in one afternoon. I found this when diving in there." He said, also giving the light blue emerald to Sonic.

"I knew they weren't small, but I never thought they were this... large!" He exclaimed, juggling them around.

"Yes, but PLEASE don't be so reckless with them. I heard they're fragile."

"Fragile? They don't look fragile to me." Sonic flicked the light blue one, making it crack a little. His eyes widened and he almost dropped it because he cracked it. He looked at Tails and his ears drooped a little. "I think I broke et-"

"You broke it already?!" He growled a little, snatching both emeralds back, examining them both and looking at the crack on the light blue one carefully. "See, this is why I can't trust you in my workshop anymore, you always break my stuff!"

"Well... I'm sorry if I'm curious. But... how did it break that easily? How did that one end up in the ground? How is that one in a pool? Why didn't it break on impact?"

"Actually... that's.... really questionable... Why didn't it break...?"

They both sat down and wondered about what else these mysterious emeralds might have in store for them...


Well that's the end of that chapter, hope you enjoy!

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