Morning, person

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I slip back under the covers, having tiptoed from the doorway so as not to wake the angel sleeping in front of me. I wait, barely breathing, for at least two minutes to make sure you're still fast asleep, but you haven't stirred. I grin and scoot closer to you, wrapping my arm around your waist and dusting your neck with gentle kisses, murmuring a sentence one word at a time in the space between my lips and your skin: "Baby, I have a surprise for you." You start to roll over, and you are not a happy camper. I can already see the train of curse words and complaints rolling down the tracks of your mind, so I cut it off quickly by bringing my face an inch from yours and smiling. "Good morning beautiful," to which I get back a grumpy, "you suck, I'm going back to sleep." But I'm afraid I can't let you; breakfast would get cold. So I start to tickle you, which I know will get me into a large amount of trouble. But at least you're half-awake now, so I repeat, "I've got a surpriseeeee," with just a hint of whining in my voice so that you'll pay attention. You glare: "What." I'm pretty sure it was a warning, not a question, but I push past it and slide out of bed, artfully dodging the pillow thrown at me as I walk into the kitchen, and coming back with a tray. On it, the reason I woke up early; I went HAM on making breakfast (pun intended). My world famous scrambled eggs, French toast, waffles, pancakes, fresh fruit from the farmers market (you have no idea how early I got up to make this) and... a vase full of flowers. You sit up, which I knew you would when you saw/smelled the food, and I can't help but feel like someone's punched me in the chest when I see you, bathed in a spotlight of sunshine that seems to have slipped through my bedroom windows just to land on you, wearing one of my t shirts that you stole, one that was way too big to fit even me. God, you are incredible. So, for the second time that morning, I slide back into bed to kiss you, only this time you actually kiss me back, and I THINK you might actually be smiling a bit.

And that is how I would make you a morning person, if anything would work.

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