Lolita Tag

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Q1) What got you into Lolita?

A1) I got interested in lolita because I liked the aesthetic and look of it.

Q2)What Kind of Lolita are you? (event Lolita or lifestyle)

A2) I wear lolita in real life so I guess lifestyle but not really since I also wear causal kawaii outfits when I don't feel like dressing up.

Q3) What's your style? sweet, Classic, gothic?

A3) I wear gothic more than sweet. I have classic dresses but barely wear that than sweet.

Q4) Is the style you started with , the same style you are now?

A4) Sort of I started with gothic and still am wearing gothic but I also like wearing other styles.

Q5) Dream dress?

A5) I don't have one but I want more brand...

Q6) What sub-genre would you like to try that you haven't felt brave enough to try?

A6) I want to wear guro lolita and this isn't like lolita but I also want to wear kodona.

Q7) What sub-genre would you never try?

A7) I'm not sure but maybe cosplay lolita.

Q8) Which do you prefer, Gothic Lolita Bible or Kera Magazine?

A8) Gothic lolita bible it's more focused on lolita.

Q9) Favourite Brand?

A9) It depends on the look but classic for me is Mary Magdalene. Sweet is either Angelic Pretty or Baby the Star Shine Bright. Gothic is Atelier Boz.

Q10) Most expensive brand dress you ever bought?

A10) I honestly don't know since I don't keep track of their price.

Q11) Do you think you will wear Lolita when you are older?

A11) Honestly no I think I'll only wear it a few times and that's it.

Q12) What has been the best thing , that being Lolita has brought you?

A12) Happiness and confidence while wearing it in public.

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