Niall's Princess

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"Do I look okay?" I asked my friend Zoey as I stepped out of the car. 

"You look great," she said. 

I was so worried. My first party out here. I met Zoey when I moved from America about 2 months ago. I hadn't made it to any parties yet, but she made me come to this one. I had no idea how to act at a party here in London. I secretly hoped I would meet a guy. But I doubt that will happen. 

I took a deep breath. Zoey grabbed my hand, and we strutted into the party. 

I didn't know anyone but Zoey. She stuck by me for about half an hour, but her boyfriend Zayn soon came and got her. That was the first time I had met him. After Zoey left, I stood in the corner observing for about 20 minutes. Little did I know that the whole time an adorable blonde Irish boy had been watching me. A few times it did feel like someone was watching me, but I never found him. After a little while I went and got a drink. Zoey stumbled up a few minutes later.

"Come here," she said.

"Zoey, you're drunk."

"Uh-huh. And its fun. Now come 'ere. There's someone you should meet." 

She grabbed my hand and dragged me across the room to where Zayn was sitting. Zoey pointed to the boy next to Zayn. 

"Louis." She said. 

"Nice to meet you," I said. "Zoey, we need to get you out of here. Kiss Zayn goodnight."

"Aw, do we have to go?" She grabbed Zayn's hand.

"Yes. Now you have 5 seconds to say goodnight."

"Goodnight Zaynie." She kissed him, and looked at me. "Okay. Lets go."

I guided her through the room. I looked up, and spotted a blonde boy watching me intently. He was really cute I thought. I started to smile, and quickly looked down, and kept moving. 

"Lets get you out of here." 


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