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"Bill did you hear that?"
Phoebe's husband begins to slowly stir but doesn't wake. She then proceeds to shake her husband in hopes he will.
"Bill wake up! I heard a noise, can you check it out?"
Bill sighs, folds back the blanket and lazily swings his legs off the mattress.
"Alright I'll go" Bill begins to walk towards their bedroom door, but before he walks out he turns to his wife " but phee this needs to stop I can't have you waking me up every night to check the house. So promise me youll see-"
"I'm not crazy billy!" Phoebe whines

"Promise me phee, this needs to stop"
And with that Bill continues out of the room and down the stairs. He goes to the front door, locked, the backed door, locked, all the windows, locked, the closet doors and extra rooms, empty. Bill shakes his head and whispers " why is she so paranoid?"
At that moment he hears a creak. Bill's eyes dart and his head swivels. He looks all around and sees nothing, he concludes it was probably phoebe walking about up stairs. As he makes his way to the stairs bill notices the basement door is slightly ajar, which isn't typical, he doesn't think much about it closes the door and proceeds upstairs.

"Bill?" Phoebe wimpers
"Bill!" Phoebe violent shakes her husband but to no avail.

Pheobe takes a deep breath straightens her back and scoots out of bed. Before she leaves she wraps her robes around her body and grabs her phone as a flashlight. Phoebe tiptoes towards the stairs. Her eyes frantically scans her surroundings as she makes her way towards the First floor of her home. As Bill had done the night before she checked the front and back doors, all the windows, closets and extra rooms and as before, they were as they should be, locked.

As Phoebe headed towards the stairs she hears a strange noise. It wasn't your typical creak or bump in the night, it was a more peculiar noise than that. It was more of a sniffle or a taking of breath; something she wouldn't be able to hear if it came from her husband. Phoebe scans the rooms once more to temporarily satisfy her paranoia.

She signs to herself
"Maybe bill is right maybe I am going crazy"
Phoebe grabs the banister but before wandering upstairs she notices the basement door slightly ajar.
That door is never open
She thinks to herself. Phoebe slowly backs off the stairs and makes her way towards the basement, turns on her flashlight, and opens the door.

"Hello?" She calls out while moving her light back and forth. She continues down the stairs.

Once Phoebe makes it to the bottom she scans around the room. She tries to check every nook and cranny possible. Nothing. Phoebe turns to head up the stairs and when she looks up she sees a large figure.
To large to be Bill
She's thinks to herself. Her eyes get wide and her blood runs cold. She's realized that from where she's standing there's no way out.

I'm trapped, what do I do? I can try rushing this guy but he takes up so much of the doorway. Maybe if I lure him down here and try to make a break for it? I just need to get to a phone.
The figure is still almost as if it were a statue or a cutout of some sorts. Phoebe takes the opportunity to speak to the figure first

" you can take whatever you want I just want to get on with my night"

No answer

"Hey aren't you listening to me? Take whatever you want I won't call the police I just want to slee-"

"You think you're going to get away that easy Phoebe? I've waited so long to have this moment with you and this is how you treat me?"

A puzzled look etches into phoebe's face

"Do I know you?"
"No but I know you" Phoebe hears him smile out. The dark figure begins to make his way down the stairs and Phoebe starts to panic

Shit! There's no way I can't take on this guy
As he descends down the stairs Phoebe realizes how large the man actually is. He towers over her at 6'3" and is about 280 lbs.

phoebe eyes grow wide.

She dashes straight past the man in hopes of making it to the stairs. He chuckles

" oh no you don't bitch"

In 4 quick strides he was breathing down her neck. Phoebe tries to take two steps at a time, she's almost to the door when she feel a cold rough hand on her ankle. She spins her head around. Her assailant gives her a nightmarish smile and yanks her leg for under her forcing phoebe's body back down the stairs.
"Like I said BITCH your not getting away from this so easily"
He grips phoebe's face bringing his close to hers. His hot breath filling her nostrils.

" please let me go" Phoebe cries

Phoebe's assailant proceeds to tie her hands and feet, removes her rope and night gown, and gags her. Phoebe sobs.

"Oh phoebe you look so beautiful when you cry" he flips open a switch blade "and I can't wait to make you even more beautiful"
The man glides the knife along phoebe's face, down her chest, over her stomach, and lastly to her thigh. He adds pressure and a warm bead of blood begins to run down her leg. Phoebe screaming prompts her assailant to pull her hair bringing his face to hers once more he spits
"You scream again I'll slit your fucking throat you whore" Phoebe whimpers but makes no other noises.

The man lights a cigerette and takes a large inhale.

" you know phoebe" he exhales "it's not nice to tease people, you could have just told me you wanted me." He takes another hit "I've liked you for a long time you know"
He glide his fingers on her face " now look at us" he whispers "together at last. I can have all the fun with you I want" he puts his cigerette out on her thigh.

Phoebe holds back a cry in fear of worse punishment. She begins to mumble.

"Ohh you want to talk to me, well you've been a good girl so far so I guess you can speak"
He cuts her gag

"Where do I know you from?" Phoebe gasps out

"Shhh that doesn't matter now" he coos———

* Hello my fellow night crawlers I wanted to thank you for clicking on my book and taking the time to read my first story. It's not quite finished yet as you've seen but I just wanted to get some feedback on it before I continue. So please let me know what you do and don't like about it, what I can add to make it more chilling, or just any constructive criticism, thanks 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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