Love is Painful

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(Leana’s P.O.V.)

“Mason” …he said nothing,

 “Mason”…Nothing again,

 “Mason your killing me” I said in an annoyed tone while I struggled to breathe.  Mason slowly woke up to realize that he was crushing me with his quarterback body.

  “um…oh crap sorry Leana…are you alright?” with a still confused look on his face, he rolled off of me causing me to grasp for air.

I pushed him away, “Well now that I can breathe I am!”  I said louder but still in a whisper. 

I laid down turning on my side looking away for him.  Just as I did I felt Mason’s huge hand grab me from behind and pull me towards him until my back was pushed up against him chest as his warmth shot threw my body relaxing me a bit.  As I was drifting off to sleep I remembered the first time Mason had spent the night, it was the day my father and I buried my twin brother, Luke and my mother, Rose.  Mason was Luke’s best friend, and since I was Luke’s twin the three of us did everything together.  Later that night after the funeral I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to be alone so I texted Mason and asked him to come over.  His exact response was : “I couldn’t sleep either c u in 5”.  It’s been two years now and I still can’t sleep without Mason by my side, I was fifteen when they died and Mason started out on the floor but eventually worked his way into my bed.  I have grown accustom to him and I pray to god he will never leave me.


(Mason’s P.O.V.)

I woke up to Leana poking me saying something I couldn’t quite understand at the moment, Only to realize that I had rolled face down on top of her petite pale body under my 6 foot’4 tan, muscle one.  I got up to find her gasping for breath like I was killing her with my weight.  I laid down asking her if she was ok, and as soon as she reassured me she was, I pulled her body as close to mine as possible hoping she would stay put.  When she did I let the air out of my lungs and relaxed, I began to breathe in her vanilla scent that I loved so much as I drifted back to sleep.


(Mason’s P.O.V.)

Leana and I pulled up to Marshall View High in my black Hummer to start another day of high school.  Life was good at the moment, I had my best friend by my side 24/7 (that’s the way I liked it), and I am quarterback of the varsity football team, things were finally starting to seem normal again.  Two years ago fourteen people were murdered, ten were Leana’s family and four were mine.  We watched them kill Leana’s twin brother, her eight older siblings and her mother, then watched them kill my three older siblings, and my mother.  Leana’s father, John is Alpha and my own father, Jason is beta, Both of our fathers were away on business when the attackers came and killed the most important wolfs on blue blood, our pack and the most important just so happen to be our two families.  Leana and I were to young to be seen as threats, as well as my little brother Aden, and Leana’s twin brother, Luke.  But Luke had a mind of his own and attacked the one trying to kill his mother, someone shot him in the back and then in the head to finish him off.  I shook the dark memory from my mind as I felt my eyes start to water.  Leana began to walk towards the front of the school, I couldn’t help but admire her back side and her blonde ringlet curls that bounced as she walked.  I grabbed her arm and pulled her back so I could see her bright blue eyes with that hint of green that mesmerized me, I smiled at her pure beauty.

“What…?” she asked with her classic “why-are-you-looking-at-me-like-that-look”.

I laughed and as I saw her lips forming words I pulled her into a bear hug before they could leave her soft pink lips. 

“Nothing” I mumbled with my face planted in her sweet smelling, satin like hair.

  When I pulled away she looked so damn kissable with that confused look washing away to be replaced by a blank face that simply said what the hell… and as if I could read her mind, the words fell from her lips.

“What the hell Mason, I love you but you’re so random sometimes!”  she said in a “if-I-didn’t-know-you-I-would-think-you-were-crazy” voice.

I laughed again and put my arm around her shoulder as we made our way towards the football team.

(Leana’s P.O.V.)

  After the guys were done mocking us, we slowly made our way to first period class that we shared, actually since the attack Mason and I were always in the same classes all day.  The pack knew it was going to need to happen because we would not leave each other and our grades were going downhill fast.  I couldn’t bring myself to let him go.

“Mason…?” I asked turning towards him.

“Yeah” He replied looking down at me.

“Please don’t leave me” I said realizing tears were falling down my face.

“Hey…hey Leana look at me” He said turning my face slowly towards him only to find Mason with a dry face, god I always hated his composer. “Does this look like a face that could leave you” He said gesturing to his face.

“No, but…” I said as all I could think to was sit with my hands over my eyes as the bell rang telling us were late. 

Mason ignored the bell, and sat on the floor as he pulled me into his lap.  I grabbed the black t-shirt he had on and pulled myself into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around me telling me everything was going to be ok.  I cried until the next bell rang that signaled second period was about to start.  I was trying to stop the tears and once I had done that, I went to get up but Mason wouldn’t release his grip and as it got tighter I turned towards him only to realize his eyes were locked with someone I could not see.  I turned around to see the devil himself…..Josh Baker!

(Mason’s P.O.V.)

Oh no, not right now, not like this.  Leana is full on crying into my chest and HE is here, god he is so annoying.  Leana started to get up slowly as soon as she was I shot up and held her in my arms as tight as I could.

“Josh what THE HELL do you want?” a low growl leaving my chest.

“I want the pretty little thing in your arms.” As he eyed Leana up and down as she realized she was that thing she held on tighter to me.

“She doesn’t want you, so leave her alone!” I was now half screaming in order not to scare her but trying to scare Josh.

“O I think she does” he stepped closer and she took one back, she was now completely behind me but she was still holding on to my shirt like it was her lifeline.

“Josh just leave, she is clearly scared of you so why even bother” I was growling low and strong and I didn’t even realize until Leana broke for my grasp as Josh walked away talking to himself.  I turned around to once again meet the fear in her eyes as Josh stalked away, along with a few fresh tears for her eyes.

“Oh oh Leana don’t cry, please don’t cry….” I said desperate to not see her in that state again.

“I’m…not…crying” she slowly spit out in between the breathing and the sobs.

“Hey…you’re ok I got you” as I pulled her in closer until once again she was crying into my t-shirt again.  “Come on we’re going home” when she didn’t move right away, I picked her up bridal style and carried out to my car.

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