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Chapter 1:

In another world, your fantasies of loving one of the 7 princes may have come true.
In an alternate dimension, they may not have hated you, and the fact that you were heir to the throne of their rival city might not have affected anything.

•"Y/n!" Your maid hurriedly dragged you out of your bed and you feel onto one knee, grunting.
•"Come on, princess! You need to get ready! Today is an important day for your father."

Your father your father your father.
Everything was about your father.

You stand up, your maid pointing at a stunning dress laid out on your dressing table.
It was emerald green, intwined with silver swirls and lace around the bust area.
Your maid, Yanna, smiled at your expression. She shut the door behind her, leaving you to dress.
You slump onto your bed, the crinkled up royal blue covers shrinking under your weight.
Why did you have to go to a trade meeting with an almost irrelevant city further into the continent?
Furthermore, why do you need to wear such a formal dress?
In the end, you stick with it, and put on the dress, satisfied with your hourglass figure complimented by the its slim sides.
Your maid walks you out the front gate to be picked up by a horse carriage. This was the norm for you. Intricately decorated living rooms on wheels and maids were nothing too luxury when your father is the king of Yeilltown.

You wave goodbye to Yanna and sit next to your father inside the rattling carriage.
You enjoy the vast green atmosphere passing by through your window until it turns into a darker one, houses more often stained with black smog.
You frown, and meet your father's gaze. Just then a thought crosses your mind.

•"Why do the Capeirians hate us, father?" You squeak.

This question had been on the tip of your tongue since the first time you'd heard about them. Your city is mostly allies with others within your continent, so why is it that the Capeirians do as much as possible to ignore your city? Its almost that, in one point in time, you did something. It's possible - after all, your continent had been the same for centuries.

He cringes and averts his eyes away from yours.

•"They just do." Your father says in a bland tone, clenching his jaw.

•"What? But-"

He looks at you coldly, and that's when you shut up.

Something happened. Something that your father doesn't want you to know about.

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