Chapter 1 (yes I know my chapter names are boring deal with it.)

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Sorry my dudes out there, this may be an X Female Reader. I'm just better at that POV Sorry again!)

Author's POV

Lady Y/N L/N of K/N (kingdom name) had just returned from you walk through the city as you normally do, and when you returned the gaurds stopped you to hand you a strange letter with the seal of the nearby kingdom of Granzreich, "what's this?" You wonder aloud, "thank you Mason and Bruce." You say kindly nodding to the gaurds as you pass them wondering about your letter, thinking it was for your parents away on business you open the letter as you sit in your Chambers it reads:

Dearest Lady Y/N L/N,

His Royal Highness King Viktor of Granzreich would like to formally invite you to teach the princes long side Heine Wittingstien, seeing you high intellect and to occupy your time seeing as your parents are away on business. You shall teach the princes with the newest Royal Tutor Heine Wittingstien. We shall be sending a carraige for you in two weeks time. You only require personal belongings, attire bed, and meals will be provided at the castle. Please reply with haste,

The Kingdom of Granzreich.

"So it is indeed addressed to me, Should I stay or should I go is the question?
(If you know this song from Stranger Things I applaud you, I love that show)
Hmm, I think I shall go I must prepare a letter to reply. I wonder who is this scholar 'Heine?' it doesn't sound familiar," you spoke to yourself, you did this often you were normally a quiet person but left to your own devices you would rant to yourself for hours, in your opinion you were your best company, "Oh well," you continued, "Mother did want me to strengthen my bonds with other kingdoms, this is a perfect opportunity then!" You thought determined, little did you know what you were getting in to. Sitting down at your desk you prepare a letter stating your reply, and sealing it with you family's crest, having your staff send it, you would truly miss them on this trip.

The weeks passed quickly, before you knew it you had your suitcase of essentially all of you room on it, it contained various items of personal value.
(like a stuffed animal books that stuff.)
Your only close friends, the castle staff, waved to you through the carriage window as you wave to them wishing them all well.

Once far enough from your home you relaxed and noticed what seemed to be a person as short as you, sitting next to you not wanting to assume him to not be a child as you were mistaken to be often, you spoke your inquiry, "Greetings and what might your name be?" You questioned politely.

"Heine Wittingstien, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He replied expressionless, though you could see a glint of joy in his eyes.

You could tell by his voice he was indeed your age and only slightly taller. He must have been happy you didn't assume him a child as many others must have in the past. That or he was happy to be taller than you. "Ah the Royal tutor, I'm Y/N L/N, and please the pleasure is all mine." You bowed your head in respect.

You would have chatted longer if it weren't for the coachman alerting you that you had reached your destination. You and Heine walked to the gates only to be stopped by the guards, "This is as far as you go kids." one of the guards stated.

"Excuse me, but you don't mean us do you?" You reply with curiosity of the guards. You knew you were short for your age but a child? No. Not in the slightest, and yes it was indeed a very common mistake but still infuriating no less. Usually you were level headed about it kindly correcting strangers and moving off the subject but for guards to not know the stature of their guest anyone could get into the palace!

"Yes you, you can't enter the palace without permission." He continued.

"But it is not without permission, I have summons from the king to be here." Said Heine, you nodded in agreement.

"Ah I've got it!" One of the guards stated, "these must be the new tutors kids, where are you parents huh kids?" He unknowingly mocked.

"Is that it?" The other guard conversed. "We'll wait here for your parents to come before you go in okay?"

"What's going on here?" A woman in a pink dress said coming up to us. ... But I recognize this woman she is the Queen Mother. I curtsey low immediately and the guards and Heine kneel. "Ah professor Heine, Lady Y/N, good to see you've arrived safe." She smiled and nodded.

"Greeting Queen Mother." Heine says and I nod back to her.

"Oh let's save the stuffy greetings for later. shall we?" She says guesturing towards the palace, "come along, I show you to the princes."

"I'd be greatly obliged." Heine said and followed Queen mother as did I.

Heine turned on his heel for a moment as the guards kneel in disbelief, "I may look like a child but I assure you I am a full grown adult." Heine finished coldly, a glare set on his face.

"We're sorry!" The guards cried as Heine walked off, I snickered to myself as Heine caught up with Queen Mother and I.

I sent a smirk towards Heine, he glanced at me and smirked back.

As we entered the beautifully decorated palace Queen Mother spoke up, "I'm terribly sorry, I should have informed the guards of you appearance." She said an apologetic tone in her voice.

"It's quite alright," you reassured her, "though I cannot speak for Heine, it is a very common occurrence for me to be mistaken for a child, esspecially on strolls through town, please don't worry your self over it." You smiled genuinely, noticing you started rambling on as Heine agreed with you statement.

Heine chatted with Queen Mother about his suprise of receiving a letter from the king, you nodded as you did not expect any mail whatsoever except the occasional letter from you parents. Queen Mother talked of the tutor's before Heine and their quick resignation and how this was the reasoning behind getting an assistant. Heine questioned if there could be a problem with the Highness's, and she rejected the possibility and gave her grandchildren the benefit of doubt, saying how the princes were all too perfect  You thought for a moment, " I understand the blind love of a parent but a grandparent... Not so much. This may be more trouble than I'd thought, I will not however fall in deafeat as the past have, I will stay as long as Heine does, I have no purpose as his assistant if he is not present."

Queen Mother stopped in front of a beautifully gold decorated door, she curtseied slightly and spoke, "The princes await in there, please take good care of them professors!"

And with that Heine entered the room as you followed silently behind.

(A/N 1: I'm sorry if the dioulauge is off, it's been a while since I've watched the sires I'll brush up but nothing will be exact, sorry if this displeases you. 2: please tell me of spelling and grammar mistakes, I won't hesitate to fix them also please enjoy the story!)

Bye bye my little insomniacs!

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