Video Footage #1

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October 16 2018 its my 16th birthday. Wow age where you'll start drinking, driving, and having girlfriends....And oh yeah sorry for my manners I'm Tyler more specifically Tyler Stevens I guess i'm just your normal average teenager who goes to high school. As I said its my birthday and my parents got me this camera or something I don't even know how to work out this thing but I'll get it eventually and... THIS IS MY LIFE


7:00 AM *alarm ringing*
*Tyler stops it ringing*

Tyler : *sigh* another day of hell I guess.

Bethany (Tyler's mom) : *knocking* are you awake yet my birthday boy?

Tyler : Yeah mom i'll just take a shower before I eat breakfast.

Bethany : Okay then sweetie I'll wait for you.

Tyler then starts the shower and starts to clean himself  but his phone rings while he was playing music. It was his friend Antonio who had been his friend for years.

*answers phone*

Tyler : Hello?

Antonio : Yo where are you? I've been waiting for you bro.

Tyler : I'm showering and I'm almost done i'm just taking a dump

Antonio : Oh come on! You didn't have to tell me that!

Tyler : What ever dude just wait on my front porch i'll be there I promise.

Antonio : Fine just hurry up please ok bye.

Tyler : Bye.

*ends call*

*Tyler gets dressed and get his bag and hurried down the stairs*

Daniel (Tyler's dad) : Hey Ty! I cooked your favourite.  Bacon specifically crispy and scrambled eggs..And oh yeah! Happy Birthday

Tyler : Thanks dad.

*Tyler sits down*

Bethany : Your taking you bike today?

Tyler : No i'm actually walking with Antonio today.

Bethany : Oh Antonio you should him invite to dinner sometimes he looks like a good kid.

Tyler : His parents would probably not allow him to go to our house because they quote on quote saw an "Ouija Board" in our house and they are really sensitive about ghosts.

Bethany : Oh....well okay but still invite him sometimes.

Tyler : I'll try mom I'll try.

*Tyler finishes food*

Tyler : Well okay mom I'll see you later.

*Tyler kisses his mom*

Daniel : Wait! You forgot your lunch its just a simple ham sandwich.

Tyler : Thanks dad! Bye mom! Bye dad!

He says goodbye to his parents and surprisingly sees Antonio in front of their house.

Antonio : Finally jeez I've been waiting for you.


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