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Summer In The City was drawing to a close and I could feel the tiredness seeping into my limps and my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing non stop all day but I wouldn't change it for the world.

I had met so many brilliant and funny people, friends I had talked to before but never met, old friends I had been separated from, new friends I had only met today but was sure to keeping in contact with and people that I watched on YouTube.

I had tried to get hugs and pictures with as many people as I could, a hard mission, but I think I did well. Every picture was special but the one I had taken with Danisnotonfire was my favourite. He had been so kind and calm. Talking to everyone and taking pictures.

I had a not so secret crush on Dan and to meet him and actually touch him was mind blowing for me. I wouldn't get over this very soon!

I was thinking about all this as I made my way to the garden bit of the venue where I was meant to be meeting some friends before we all went home but I wasn't really looking where I was going and crushed into someone on my way.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I quickly say, cheeks red from embarrassment. I looked up to see who I had crashed into and blushed even more.

"Oh no it's okay! I should of been looking where I was going!" Dan smiled now at me. It wasn't a smiled that made you feel young or in the wrong like a parent will sometimes give you, it was a weird smile I couldn't really place it until I realised I was wearing a mirrored version on my own face.  It was a smile of someone who had just embarrassed themselves in front of a cute person. 

I had no idea what to say next so we just stood there for a few minutes awkwardly before I broke the silence with: "I have the biggest crush on you". Now I have no idea what made me say this, mayeb it was the need to brake the silence, maybe it was because some small part of my brain screamed "THERE'S A CHANCE" or maybe it was because I was an idiot...I'm going with the last one. 

"Y..you do?" Dan said. He sounded shocked but not creeped ut or anything so I took that as a good sign and carried on. 

"Yeah! You're the most hilarious, kind, intelligent, attractive and genuine guy i've ever met!...." I trailed off sadly. Why the hell was I telling him this stuff? 

"What's wrong?" Dan sounded genuinely concerned and so I looked up at him. He was smiling in a completely cute way and his eye's searching mine with just pure kindness. 

"I..I'm just Letty, a awkward teenage girl and you're Dan Howell. I have no chance with you" 

Dan just smiled, took hold of my arm and brought me closer to his body. Leaning down he whispered in  my ear..."You sure about that?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2012 ⏰

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