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I don’t know what to do with my splintered heart,

 Like the way raindrops get separated,

From the clouds they were born to,

I got separated from you no matter how hard I played my part,

Now as I’m collecting the broken pieces of my woebegone heart,

In every broken piece,

 I can see your angel face,

Why, why are you doing this to me?

Why did you leave me stranded on a lonely highway

In the middle of the night?

Who was the blonde I saw you with the very next day?

Why did you ignore me?

When I went over to ask you how you were,

You turned away as if we never shared all those

Passionate kisses under the open sky,

As if we had never

Declared ourselves man and wife

Under the shadow of the sacred tree.

So many questions left unanswered

But I’m not gonna lie,

I know that you’ll never return,

That you’re never gonna say goodbye.

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