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Today the Ashmount Institution's interest was focused on a pair of twins, Jason and Joshua, who are only twelve years old even though their ability isn't exactly dangerous. They can calculate the probability and mathematics of anything instantaneously. The people in charge of the Ashmount Institution sent four people to collect the twin boys. One of the agents, Agent Middleton, knocked on the door and an elderly woman opened it. "Hi, how may I help you gentlemen?" She asked in a strong southern accent.
One of the other people with Middleton responded to the old woman. "We have been informed of two young boys with an unnatural ability to perceive probabilities and mathematical answers almost instantaneously and we are here to take them to a place where they can learn how to control their ability and use it to benefit them, and others. We promise they will be well taken care of." That was bullshit. Ashmount wasn't a place for them to learn and grow. It was a place for them to be poked and prodded as scientists try to figure out what caused their abilities. All the children there hate it, and most of them are depressed. The leaders of Ashmount don't care about the wellbeing of the subjects.
The woman looked surprised, but allowed the agents to enter her home. "How did you learn about Josh and Jason?"
"We keep track of medical records and anything that is out of the ordinary. When we learned that the boys have had perfect math grades since kindergarten, we looked into it, and apparently they were born with a genetic defect nobody could figure out. We would like to take them for a week to do tests to see if it was just a mistake or if they truly do have some sort of abnormality." The man speaking, Agent Giles, had kept an emotionless face throughout the exchange, a result of years of taking people's children away from them.
"Fine. Let me go talk to them and say goodbye." Middleton nodded along with the other agents with him.
The old woman hobbled up the stairs of her home, walking into her grandsons' room. "Boys, there's something we need to talk about." Jason and Joshua looked up from their history homework to see her standing there with a worried look.
"What's wrong Grandma?" The elderly woman, Tabitha, explained the situation to them, including that they had been born with some sort of unknown genetic abnormality, and then left the room after giving them hugs and telling them to pack clothes for a week.
I looked at my twin brother and sighed. "I knew they would find out eventually, but I honestly thought we had a couple more years before Ashmount found us." Joshua and I had always heard rumors about an organization that took away kids with strange abilities and it hadn't taken us long to figure out that we were the kind of people Ashmount took. Joshua looked down, trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to hide his tears from me. "Let's just pack. We can trick them into thinking we're normal. If we can hide it for twelve years, what's one more week?" Both of us knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot, right?
Two days later, and the two of us had been separated. Ashmount agents had decided we couldn't be trusted together and so they split us up. The organization had a small budget, so all the subjects had to share a room with one other person and I ended up in a room with a boy about my age.
The boy looked up and smiled as I walked in shyly, "Hi! I'm Callum, what's your name?"
I looked down and sat o the empty bed next to the one he was on. "I'm Jason."
"Are you new here, Jason? What makes you a freak like the rest of us?"
Callum was very energetic, but I didn't mind as it was kind of refreshing to see a friendly face. I was still super nervous about talking to him though. "I, umm, I don't really know. All I was told was that my twin brother and I were born with a genetic defect that caused us to be unnaturally brilliant when it comes to mathematics and probability. For example, based on the amount of guards I saw on the way in here and the kind of locks on the doors, there is a 0.0001 percent chance of us escaping right now, factoring in security cameras and alarm systems, which they are sure to have."
Callum looked at me in shock. After a second, well really 17.8 seconds but that's not the point, Callum managed to string a sentence together. "That's really cool! All I can do is turn invisible."
At that moment the door was unlocked and both Callum and I whipped our heads in that direction. A person wearing a lab coat walked in and silently gestured for me to walk to him. I cautiously got up and he led me out of the room. We walked to, presumably, a room where they would do tests on me. I was sat in a chair and hooked up to some electrical device, presumably to shock me if I do something wrong, greeaaat. My only thought in this moment is 'is Joshua okay?'
The guard leading me into the room shoved me, causing me to fall as he locked the door behind me. I looked up and saw a kid who looked around my age. "Hey, who are you? And why are you in my room, pumpkin," he asked with a slight southern accent.
I felt my face heat up as I got on my feet and replied. "My name is Joshua, I don't really know why I'm in your room. Is is a problem, hun?" The other boy looked surprised that I flirted back with him.
He got up and held out his hand for me to shake. "My name is Skylar. You were probably deemed a freak like everyone else here." Skylar's statement confused me, a freak? And what does he mean by "like everyone else here"? I shook his hand and then looked around the room for the first time since I got here and saw two small beds against opposite walls. Each bed had a small night stand with two drawers in it, along with an alarm clock on one, and a lamp on the other. One bed was neatly made while the other looked as if someone had recently slept in it, so I sat on the neatly made one nervously. Skylar came and sat next to me. "You probably want an explanation don't you?" I just nodded, too scared of everything to even consider talking any more than I already have. "Okay, so you're in a place called the Ashmount Institution. It sucks ass. Basically they take kids from their families and such to bring them here and find out what's wrong with them, genetically. In my case, I was struck by lightning when I was six and it changed my DNA so now I can teleport, the only problem is that for some reason I can't get out of the building. So why do they think you're a genetic freak?" I looked down and calculated the chance of him working against me, which happened to be one ten thousandth of a percent, so I decided I could trust him, at least for now.
"It's hard to explain, but essentially, I can calculate the probability, or exact mathematics of any situation within a matter of seconds."
"Cool! So what's the chance of us escaping if we tried right now?"
I smiled at his question and did some quick math, factoring in guards, security cameras, and alarm systems. "If we left right now, considering the likely amount of cameras and guards, plus the ninety seven point six chance they have some sort of alarm system, there is a one in a hundred thousand chance of us escaping at this moment." His eyes widened.
"Shit, that's not a good chance is it?"
"No, not at all. It means if we tried one thousand times, only once would we succeed." After I said that his eyes filled with hopelessness and he laid down in his bed. I decided that it wasn't my place to try and comfort him so I laid down as well and fell asleep.
My last thought before I succumbed to the inviting darkness of sleep, was 'I hope Jason is okay.'

I know this is bad and probably really stupid, but it'll get better once I get more into the story. I'm gonna go work on the next chapter. Biii!

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