One Shot- Golfing!

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This is the muke one shot contest for michaelsvans and the name I  like is @arcadeirwin :)))

Michael helped Luke into the car and sat him down. "So where are we going again?" Luke asked. "We're doing mini golf!" Michael clapped. Luke laughed at his excitement and closed his door.

"Okay so I was thinking we can golf a bit and then get ice cream." Michael linked his arm around Luke's and walked into the golf course. Michael payed for his and Luke's ticket and went to get golf balls and clubs.

"What about this size." Michael handed it to Luke and gave it back. "Too short.".

"Everything is too short for you here. You're like 10 feet tall." Michael laughed. "Whatever, just give me the next size. It should be fine."

"I want the red ball." Luke said. Michael grabbed a bright red ball and put it in Luke's hand. "Balls." Michael laughed.

They made their way to the first hole and Michael set his ball down. He swung slightly, the ball rolling to the left. Luke was staring to the right of him, whatever was there. "Your turn."

Michael shifted Luke to the hole and he put his ball down. Luke took a deep breath and swung, missing the ball. "A little to your left." Michael instructed.

After tons of swings, Luke finally had the ball in the hole. With the help of Michael, of course. "Now the second hole." Michael helped Luke cross the first hole and to the second.

Michael got a hole in one in pure luck, and Luke was losing confidence. "Blind people can't golf." Luke said to himself as he swung at the ball. The ball flew off a corner and rolled into the grass.

"How did I do?" Luke asked. Michael picked up the ball and put it at Luke's feet. "Not even close, mate. Give it another try."

Michael wanted Luke to feel good about himself. He wanted Luke to achieve something and be confident.

"Okay, I give up. Can we get ice cream now?" Luke sighed. "Don't you want to get a ball into the hole? Let's go to the last hole where you can win a free game if you get a hole in one." Michael lead Luke to the last hole.

It was a lion's mouth, with paths leading up to it. If you get the ball inside the middle of the mouth, you win a free game. "At least try." Michael begged.

Luke centered the ball and took a deep breath. He hit the ball and it shot up the middle and into the center of the lions mouth. A siren sounded and lights flashed. "You got it!" Michael hugged Luke as he smiled. He never really won anything before. Winnning felt great for Luke.

"Here is your free game ticket. We hope to see you again!" The lady tries to hand Luke the coupon, Michael had to turn Luke to the right to grab it.

"That was awesome, wasn't it!" Michael said as he drove to an ice cream shop. "I never thought I would win." Luke smiled.

"It should be in the record book. Luke Hemmings, first blind man to win a free mini golf game." Michael said in an anncoucer voice.

"I want chocolate with sprinkles." Luke said. Michael ordered their ice cream and they sat outside at a table.

"So, when are you going to go back to golf?" Michael asked. "No way I'm going back. You can have it." Luke slid the ticket over to Michael.

"No, you won you deserve it." Michael put it in Luke's hand. "Trust me, being blind and golfing is very difficult." Luke said.

"But won't that be stealing?" Michael asked in a hushed voice. "No, just because I can't see doesn't mean you can't accept gifts." Luke laughed.

"Fine, I'll take your ticket." Michael took back the ticket. He wasn't going to use it either.

"Ice cream is way better than golf." Luke said with a mouth full of chocolate ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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