part 1

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After graduating from the Ying De University, F4 decided to go Spain for their holiday destination. Shan Cai agreed to come with them after having an argument with Dao Ming Si. Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si landed to Spain without the F3, who decided to stay in Taiwan instead. In Spain, Dao Ming Si opened the letter that Hua Zhe Lei handed to him back in Taiwan. The letter suggest him to go to a church in Barcelona and ask to Shan Cai to marry him. Dao Ming Si decided to buy her a ring and propose in the church. Unfortunately, he met an accident and lost his consciousnes while he was on way to the church.
Unaware about Dao Ming Si's accident, Shan Cai waited for him at the church. Meanwhile, Dao Ming Si was brought to the hospital by Ye Sha, the girl who was driving the other car involved in the accident with him. Shan Cai decided to call Hua Zhe Lei and told him that Dao Ming Si was missing. Lei immediatelly informed this to Mei Zuo and Xi men, and the three immediately made their flight to Spain. When Dao Ming Si woke up in the hospital, he was unable to remember anything. He soon left the hospital without any idea where he was going. F3 arrived in Spain and met up with Shan Cai and Teng Tang Jing. They have learned about the car accident which may have involved Dao Ming Si. When they arrived at the hospital, Dao Ming Si was already gone. Ye Sha found Dao Ming Si walking around streets of Barcelona, and decided to convince him to follow her in a farm where she lives.
At Ye Sha's home, Dao Ming Si was unable to tell his identity. Ye Sha realized that he might have completely lost his memory. She decided to call him 'Ah Xing' instead. Hopeless to find Dao Ming Si, F3 suspected that Dao Ming Feng might have kidnapped his own son, since she tried to make use of this tactic before in order to separate him from Shan Cai. F3 and Shan Cai contacted Dao Ming Feng, who was unaware about the whereabouts of his son. Shan Cai made an agreement with Dao Ming Feng that she's willing to sacrifice her love for Dao Ming Si if she can guarantee that he's in good hands. Meanwhile, Dao Ming Si now works at Ye Sha's wine purification factory.
Dao Ming Feng hired a detective to find his son. After getting information about Dao Ming Si's whereabouts, she went to Spain to get him. He reluctantly followed his mom to a nearby hotel and he asked her questions about his real identity. His mom told him nothing other than his english name, David Dao Ming. He soon decided to run away from his mom. He went back to Ye Sha and asked her to accompany him to Taiwan in search of his past. Xi Men and Mei Zhou decided to go back to Taiwan, and left Hua Zhe Lei to take care of Shan Cai in Barcelona.
Ye Sha took a photo of Dao Ming Si and submitted it for the ""Missing Person"" ad in the newspaper. She told Ah Xing that it would help him discover his real identity in case someone identifies him on the newspaper. Ching Her, Xiao You's ex-boyfriend, saw the ad and immediately looked for Dao Ming Si and used him in order to get some money. When Shan Cai's parents saw the advertisement in the newspaper, they ignored it because they didn't know that Dao Ming Si was missing. Meanwhile, Mei Zuo and Xi Men visited Shan Cai's parents and informed them about the recent events. Upon hearing the news, they quickly thought of the ad they saw, but the paper was aready ruined by some food stain. Dao Ming Si and Ye Sha woke up being tied by Ching Her. Ye Sha deceived Ching Her that she has actually the same intention of getting money from Dao Ming Si. Ching Her immediately believed her and thought of working with her so he relesed her. They called in Dao Ming Si's house and asked ransom from his mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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