i'm your home (you will come home)

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title came from page france's song: spine


Lisa met Jennie online.

At least, that's what she tells people and both her and Jennie usually makes a game out of it as people gush and make every kind of assumption with that simple detail.

Lisa bets no one will get it right. And so far, Jennie's been treating her with fries every payday.

It's simple: Lisa met Jennie online.

And that's exactly how it happened.

No one just gets the details in between right.


Lisa meets Jennie like this:

It's 3AM and while Lisa prepared herself for it for months, the cold feeling of dread comes creeping back up to her stomach and the bread she's been munching on for the past hour feels like it'll come flying out of her mouth anytime soon.

The cold chill of the airport seeps through her hoodie, goosebumps running along her skin as she wraps her arms around herself tightly.

Lisa vaguely thinks about tugging her suitcase outside and taking a cab back home, but she plants her feet firmly on the shiny floor, remembering how she worked her ass off to get a scholarship at Korea.


Lisa's never went to another country, let alone rode a plane and-oh god, what if my brain pops from the pressure?

She's on her third video of what to expect in riding an airplane-a pack of gum was impulsively bought and Lisa pats her pocket every now and then to make sure it's still there, reading something about chewing gum settles your ears or somewhere along the lines-when Lisa realized that she's going to Korea.

And she doesn't know a single Korean word apart from their hello.

It's common logic that she won't survive the next three years in a foreign country just knowing hello.

Lisa can't remember when did watching how to learn Korean in 5 minutes took her to a Korean cooking channel.

A woman with a soft dimpled smile and crinkled eyes smiles at Lisa from the screen, bowing once and then started speaking in what Lisa assumes to be is Korean and she hurriedly pauses the video to look for English captions.

When she boards her plane at exactly 4:30AM and is on her eighth Kim Jennie-Lisa swoons every time the woman introduces herself in her intro-video binge, Lisa is sure of three things:

1.) The coldness seeping to her veins earlier was replaced with a warmth that makes her cheeks look flushed (she checked on a mirror earlier).

2.) She knows how to speak little Korean (especially in introducing herself and a handful of food and cooking ingredients, which she's only mildly embarrassed about).

3.) Lisa's fairly certain the two above is because of Kim Jennie.


Jennie meets Lisa like this:

It's the start of her second term as a third year college student and she's hanging outside her lecture hall, waiting for her friend Jisoo to arrive, when the other lecture hall's door opens and a stream of sophomore students trickle out.

In the midst of Jennie plastering herself closer to the wall behind her to let everyone pass, she hears the familiar chime of her youtube channel intro ringing down the hallway where most of her classmates are at and they look at her when a loud hello, my name is Kim Jennie-echoes.

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