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"Hello Sir, Don't worry. I'll take care of your child. " Catherine ushered the parents who were hesitant to leave their child in school. She did a great job in controlling children through kindness.

"Moooom" She heard a small boy's voice echoing towards her. She saw a boy in blue shirt and trousers running with tumbled steps.

The blonde boy hugged Catherine's knee. He looked so happy that grabbed all the children and parent's attraction.

Catherine thought the boy might want to go back home to his real mother. She kept quiet not knowing what to do.

"Baby... I'm not your mother. See-"

"Hehe... No mom. See pappa is here. " catherine was spellbound to see the most handsome man standing before her.

"Margaret? " The man before her didn't move a bit seeing her. He could pinch his skin any moment to make sure it wasn't a dream.

"Sir, Have you seen me before? "

"Honey" He didn't wait to grab her. He wanted to hold her forever. He would have kissed and might have eaten her there but restrained himself seeing the small innocent children.

"What the f*ck are you doing? Who are you to touch me? " She muttered very lowly trying to remove his hands with a counterfiet smile.

"Why not? You are my wife honey. " He was not ready to leave her. Never.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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