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A/N: Kara is so underrated I never see fics of her like??? What??? I'm also a sucker for family oriented things so YEET. If you don't like the ship of Kara/Luther, probably not the fic for you lmao. Of course based off the happy ending where they all get across to the border.


"Is this where we're going to live now? Can we finally be happy and safe? Are we finally home?"

Alice's small voice made Kara painfully aware of a few things. One, that she would have to disappoint the girl yet again. And two, that she was never going to grow up completely. She was never going to be an adult. She was programmed to be a child, and that would never change. She would forever be innocent, forever unclear and in need of guidance on so many things. She would be mature. She would always have a child's mind, there were so many things she would never understand.

The thought made Kara upset, of course it did. She wanted to see Alice grow into a beautiful teenager, and eventually adult as well. But after finding out that she was an Android the same as herself and Luther, she realized that it wasn't possible. But it didn't change the fact that she cared about the girl immensely. She loved her, if she was being completely honest. She just wished that she wouldn't have to always remain with the mind of a child. That was the only part that hurt.

It was hard for someone who had been programmed all her time to just listen and not do anything more to come to terms with these things she was feelings. Love, for this girl. Seeing Todd hurt her was the moment she realized that this girl wasn't just someone she was helping care for now. Just like Luther had said before, seeing her run away in fear was like opening her eyes for the first time. She finally saw the world, and finally saw the girl as someone much more than just another human.

Alice had always had feelings too, that's why Kara was surprised to find out she was an Android. The signs were always there, the not eating, the not wanting help with baths, but Kara just never saw them, just as Luther said.

But none of that mattered now. Alice was Alice, and she always would be. She and Kara shared a bond that she thought she would never have with another human or another Android. Kara never thought she would ever feel a bond at all. Never thought that she would be so attached to a little girl.

What had happened if she didn't break free of her code? What would happen if she didn't protect Alice? The thought chilled her. Alice would likely be broken, and she probably would be as well. Then, Todd would have them fixed and the cycle would likely repeat.

She decided now was not the time to think about such things.

"We're safe here. We won't be here forever, but it's something Alice." She reaches down and pulled the little one against her.

Rose had been true to her word, and Kara had to admit, it was so strange to be in a country that wasn't against the very things that they had created.

"I hope one day we have a home for real." Alice looked down at the ground, and then got on top of the bed, laying on her back and looking up at the ceiling.

Luther stepped closer to Kara, and spoke to her, so that Alice couldn't hear. "Think we can trust him?"

He was referring to Rose's brother, of course. "Yes, at least I hope so. You know, I feel safe here." She was expecting to feel skeptical upon arriving, after everything else that had happened. But she didn't. It was strange, but also refreshing.

"I do too. I hope it works out here."

"I think it will. At least that's what I hope." She looked at him, giving him a small smile. He smiled back, and put his hand on her shoulder.

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