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It has been 30 days since I have seen him. my boyfriend, I haven't seen him in more than a month. And it's killing me.

I miss him so, so, so much. I need him, right here right now.

Good thing he's picking me up form the airport.

It's summer and unfortunately our parents planned our vacations exactly the wrong way. I went away when he came home.

As I said, I haven't seen him in more than 4 weeks. Of course we have talked, over text, phone calls and face times. But I just want to hold him. I need him to hug me, I crave him so bad.

My family has been making fun of me. they constantly say that he probably forgot me because we haven't seen each other. Very nice..

'Christina Hastings' my dad snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

'sorry, w-what' I blinked and looked at him.

'we're landing' he told me

'okay' I smiled widely, he rolled his eyes knowing what I'm thinking.

One step closer to seeing Blake.

Bella, who was sitting on the other side of me, grabbed my hand. She was terrified of flying, and even more of landing part. She even questioned if she would go with us, but she went because we went to Mexico and I mean.. who doesn't want to go to Mexico.

'you're not going to die bel' I told her

'nothing is certain right now sis' she told me and I chuckled.

'this is not the time to laugh. This is the time to pray for your life' she said again and I rolled my eyes.

She has done this for as long as I can remember. As a kid it scared me, I'm very influential, but then I learned that I not scared and now I just roll my eyes and hold her hand.

'fucking fuckfaces' I heard Bella curse under her breath

'language young lady' my mom waned her

'sorry mom, I'm just scared' she said and looked at me with her I'm-scared-but-I'm-going-to-kill-her look.

'just calm down and focus on happy things' I told her. 'like soccer, and food, and Hawaii, and Mexico, and seeing Blake again'

'not helping' she said with her eyes closed.

'sorry, I just got a little drifted away' I coughed which made her chuckle. 'as I was saying, focus on mom falling in the pool, or that one hot guy that worked at our hotel, or cardi B, or her new kid,w hat was her name-'

'kulture' she said

'what a dumb name, why would you name your kid that.'

'I like it' she looked up at me, 'it's original and unique'

'you only say that because literally everyone's name is Bella' I told her

'true, but I still like it' she shrugged

'I don't but- hey, see we already landed' I pointed at the window next to my dad.

'and we didn't die' she clapped her hands together, 'what a good day'

'It certainly is' I smiled

'for one second stop talking about your boyfriend' my mom whined

I scoffed, 'I promise you that I wasn't talking about Blake. I was talking about the food that I can finally eat'

'you have a problem' my dad stated and stood up to get out of the plane.

'I have you so, true' I also stood up

'keep it nice' my mom warned us.

We then stopped talking and found our way out of the plane. We didn't have to wait that long for our bags, which was a good thing.

'can we now go?' I asked for the 7th time in less than 15 minutes.

'only if you stop talking' Bella said annoyed

'I'll never stop talking and you know that' I tapped my finger on her nose and scrunched my face.

'if you ever do that again I swear I will-'

'hug you?' I cut her off

'kill you and throw your body in a bonfire' she narrowed her eyes

'I love you too' I smiled, turned and walked away with my huge suitcase.

Yes, I do need 7 pairs of shoes even though we went away for 15 days. And I also did need the 8 dressed, 7 pairs of jeans, 12 t shirts, 6 shorts, 5 hoodie's and most importantly, I did need the 3 beanie I brought with me.

I got nervous, why was I getting nervous? It's my boyfriend..

My hands where sweaty and my eyes shot everywhere, looking for Blake. I knew he wasn't here because he wasn't allowed here. He was in the arrival hall, he texted me I was there.

'honey, I'm sure he's here' my mom noticed I was nervous and kind of scared he forgot, or something.

'what if he isn't?' I looked at her.

'i promise you, that boy loves you more than you love all of your friends combined' she told me and put her hand on my back. 'he's here'.

'okay' I mumbled and smiled before walking in a straight line to the arrival hall.

'wait on u-'

'let her go' my dad cut Bella off.

I smiled and let out a sharp breath before walking through the port that let me to the arrival hall.

Where is Blake?

That was literally the only thing I thought. My eyes scanned the room until they stopped at the sight of a handsome boy, hair perfectly in shape which told me he was also nervous. He always goes with his hands through his hair when he's nervous.

My eyes met his and without having control over it, I smiled like an idiot and started running. I let my suitcase where it was and almost bumped in a few people but I didn't care,

I need to get to Blake.

He was Alison, who just told me she came too. She was filming,


I shook my head and focused on Blake again. He was holding a bouquet of red roses, what a sweetheart.

when I finally was close enough I wrapped my arms and legs around him, I buried my head on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around my waist to hold me up and he also buried his head in my shoulder.

'fuck I missed you' he mumbled

'oh my god, I missed you so so so so so so much' I say back and look up.

He did too and smiled at me. I smiled wide, put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him.

It was truly a I-missed-you kiss.  

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