Chapter 44

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When I got closer to the door I noticed that it was Ava screaming her head off and I took off running towards my daughters room.

When she saw me screaming and crying louder for me. The Dr and nurses turned to look at me. They moved so I can hug her and try to calm her down. She kept grabbing me around the neck with her right arm.

What is going on? Some one better answer me now.

Dr says "My name is Dr. Blake and I'm in charge of your daughter and wife. Your daughter's left arm is broken that's why she hasn't moved her arm. Your wife we plan on keeping over night cause she hit her head pretty hard against the window. We gave her different head scans and everything came back fine. But we want to make sure that she's ok. Do you think you can hold your daughter while we get a cast put on it."

Yea, I can do that. Thank you for helping me wife and daughter. When your done with my daughter can we go see my wife. The Dr nodded his head.

Dr asks "Ava what color would you like to have as your cast cover?"

Ava looked at me then the doctor.

Ava says "mommy".

The Dr looks at me and I say she would like a blue cast because her mom's favorite color is blue. The Dr nodded is head again. So I held Ava to me while they put a cast on once she was done she grabbed me and hugged me tight with both arms around me neck. While we followed the Dr to me wife's room. When we walked in a room I noticed her head was wrapped.

Why is her head wrap Dr?

Dr said "because she was bleeding from her head from when she hit the window. Wr stopped the bleeding she got from a cut. He can put a bed in here for you and your daughter if you like."

Yes, please thank you again Dr.

Once Ava saw her mom she started crying again for her mommy. I pulled her into the hall way and she began crying more and more and saying "mommy. I want mommy daddy. I want mommy daddy."

My heart broke seeing my daughter so tore up about wanting her mommy.

Ava we will see mommy but you need to be quite cause mommy is sleeping. Can you be quite for mommy baby girl?

Ava says "yes, daddy."

We walked back in the room and took a seat next to Jennifer's bed. We sat there looking at her. Ava continued to cry in to my shirt then she fell asleep.

A nurse came in and put a bed together for Ava and I. But since Ava was holding me so tight that I couldn't just put her down. So I laid down with Ava.

A few hours later Dr. Blake came in and I woke up. Ava wasn't holding so tight now that I could lay her down.

I walked up to Dr. Blake.

Dr. Blake says "I got the test results back for your wife that we did earlier. Has your wife not been feeling well lately."

Yeah she has been throwing up more then she did with Ava so we weren't so sure if she was pregnant or not.

Dr. Blake says "well, you'll be happy to know that she is pregnant and she is 6 weeks along."

Once he left I was happy. Then I heard a groan and saw my wife moving and then saw her eyes open up and look at me.


I had a hard time talking so I saw Jon come around and handed me a cup full of water.

Jon says "baby, hey how do you feel? I have great news."

My head hurts but I feel fine. Where is Ava is she ok?"

Jon says "well baby she has a broken left arm and has a cast but she is good. But she has been crying for you. Babe can you tell me what happened?"

I was driving and when I came to the light I was tapping the brake but nothing happened. It's like the brake just stopped working. Babe, I thought Ava and I were going to die. Baby, I got so so scared. 

Jon says "babe, don't cry please I've had to see Ava cry for you and that broke my heart. I understand that you were scared but your here now and is fine and your 6 weeks pregnant baby. Were having another baby. Ava is going to be a big sister."

I smiled so big then pulled Jon to me for a hug. He hugged me back tightly. Then we heard a bed make noise. Then Ava woke up and rubbed her eyes then saw Jon and I.

She got up so quick and ran over to us started crying again saying mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, and mommy.

Jon pulled her up and sat her on the bed with me. She crawled over to me and held me so tight while crying saying "I thought u were dead mommy."

That fucking broke my heart. I cried with her. Ava sweetheart I'm not going anywhere. I held my daughter so tight. Jon wrapped his arms around the both of us. Ava fell asleep in my arms but I handed her to Jon while I try to relax into my bed. Once he put Ava down he came back to my side of the bed.

The next morning they were able to release me from the hospital. We went home and all got into bed. Ava wanted to sleep next to me so I slept next to her while Jon slept on her other side.

When I woke up it was say 2 o'clock when we got home about 9:30. I went to shower then went down stairs to make so lunch for the 3 of us.

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