Help I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up

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Jimin was broken that day.

Usually, he's able to take insults and harm very well, without letting one tear fall from his eyes. This time though, that was unfortunately not the case.

Angels like Jimin live blissfully in the heavens above. For the majority of their limited days in the afterlife, they play with each other jovially, laugh and joke and make friends in their golden paradise, until it was time to be come back to Earth again as a reincarnated life form. The bonds you form as an angel are the bonds you form for your next life, and many angels make loyal friends whom they experience the living world with.

Jimin, though, doesn't make friends easily. He's introverted and shy, prefers to keep his wings to himself. It's not that he doesn't like the other angels, it's just that he gets embarrassed all too easily and feels a bit too insecure to be able to comfortably engage in conversation. Most angels are sweet enough to him- their halos glow a warm, welcoming light when they greet him, but they don't try to talk to him any further.

Jimin doesn't blame them. He's fairly boring, with his only real passion and focus being dance. He hardly speaks; he wouldn't make a good friend at all.

The other male angels bully him frequently. They didn't at first, but once they started seeing the way Jimin's shoulders hunched inwards in shyness and how strangely quiet he was, he became their easiest target.

One would think angels are pure, good natured and unconditionally loving, but this is sadly untrue. Angels are just maybe a little better than the humans below them, despite the wings, halo, and ethereal glow upon their skin that deems them the label of being infinitely good.

So Jimin is bullied. A lot. He's good at not letting the words get to him, the way they call him a freak, say he's unwanted, and will be the most pathetic human to ever live.

He's built walls to deflect their words and agility to dodge their punches.

He tells himself he doesn't care. He doesn't need anyone to be happy. He has dance, that's all he needs. All he wants.

Or at least, that's what he says to cover up the painful, aching void in his chest. Every angel has someone, all but Jimin. A lot of angels have soulmates, a lover they meet in the afterlife who they promise to meet again on Earth.

Jimin really, really wishes he had someone like that.

But instead he's pushed around and cast aside. Regarded as trash. He's okay with it though, he'll be able to deal with it. He's fine.

One day though, the bullies take it a step too far. They've resorted to violence before with light shoves and kicks, but this time they decide to openly pummel Jimin, bruising his delicate golden face. He doesn't know what's gotten into them, how anyone could just act so mean. Their halos glow a weird red. It's a dark and unsettling color that turns Jimin's stomach in fear. They continue beating him.

And for the first time in a long while, he cries.

His tears mix with the gentle, supernatural blood on his face and he curls inwards against the beatings. He refuses to fight back. He won't stoop down to their level of violence.

So he attempts to get up and run. Escaping is his first priority, he doesn't doubt the angels would hurt him beyond pain if they could.

He stumbles a little, but manages to duck a couple more punches thrown at his head before he runs. Head fuzzy, he trips over his own feet multiple times, flinging his wings out for balance. And the other angels chase him, running close behind and yelling things at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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