My name is Wes and this is my drama filled, exciting, erotic, gay love storty. Told to you by yourself truly.
I just finished hanging out with my friends Jack, Alice, Becca, and Joven. We all walked
around our small saburban town next to San Frasnsico. I have known everybody for at least a year except for Joven. I having only known Joven for a a month I feel as though I have known him all my life. Maybe it was because he is so funny and charming, maybe him being kind of cute helped a little. He kept on making jokes about how he was going to have sex with me that night since he was sleeping over at my house. The entire time from the time my friends were together which was like 7 hours. An example is when we were at a Halloween store and Joven started picking out outfits for me to wear while we slept together. Of course everyone was laughing because we all knew it was a joke but I was feeling really uncomfortable.