Snow Day

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Ansleigh POV

I was in a state of being half-awake when I felt something buzz. I dug around in the covers until I felt the hard plastic of my phone case. The screen automatically lit up, burning my eyes. It was only 5:32 a.m., and I didn't have to leave for school until 7:45. Who the heck would be up this early?

I put in my password and read the text

Caleb: You awake?

I rolled my eyes and flopped back over onto my pillow. I figured I would just ignore him and go back to sleep.


Oh, great. Now he was calling me.

"Hello?" I asked groggily after I picked up the phone.

"Ansleigh, it's not very polite to just read someone's text and not respond."

"Well, Caleb, it's also not polite to text someone who's not an early bird at 5:32 a.m."


"What do you want?"

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Yes. Monday, November 26."

"And what happens today?"

"Umm... we go back to school?"


"Some teacher decided to assign a dumb pop quiz?"

"Try again."

"Calebbbbbbbb," I moaned.

"Ans, it's the day after Thanksgiving break. Which means it's the most wonderful time of the year."

"Caleb, I know it's the start of my absolute favorite holiday season, but I'd like to at least sleep a little bit."

"You know what would help your sleepiness?"

"You not waking me up."

"Well, maybe. Or you could walk outside to where I'm waiting and I'll take you to get your very first hot chocolate of the year."

Now that got me excited. Nothing was better than going to the local coffee shop and getting some hot chocolate. 

"Can I at least do something to my hair and put on makeup first?"

"Ans, no one we know would be at a coffee shop before six to get something to drink, so I'd be the only one who sees you. Plus, you look just as good without makeup as you do with it."

"Thanks," I said softly.

"Now hurry up and get in my car. I've been sitting here for ten whole minutes."

"Fineeee," I replied and walked out into the crisp November air.

I opened the passenger door of Caleb's grey Toyota Camri and climbed in.

"Ans, it's like forty degrees. Where's your jacket?" Caleb asked.

"The hot chocolate is inside. All I've gotta do is walk like twenty feet and I'm there."

"Okay. But next time, don't just wear a short sleeve t-shirt. You're gonna catch something."

The rest of the seven-minute car ride was relatively silent. It was a good silent, though. Caleb and I could sit in silence for hours and not get uncomfortable.

I've known Caleb since we were toddlers attending the same Mother's Day Out program once a week. From there, we somehow always ended up in the same class in elementary school and had at least two periods together each year of middle and high school so far. We became best friends and he's always been one of my favorite people to be around. He's tall, funny, sweet, and looks out for me like I'm his own flesh and blood. Lots of girls would even comment on his blue eyes and light brown hair, but I guess I couldn't see how "attractive" he was because I'd seen him in every awkward phase he'd went through.

As we pulled up to the coffee shop, there was a line out the door. Normally, it was relatively quiet, but I guess everyone wanted something Christmasy to drink this morning.

"Told you I should've worn makeup," I said.

Caleb rolled his eyes. "I still think you look just the same without it."

We got out of the car to stand in growing line of customers. I shivered when a small gust of wind practically tried to freeze me. I felt something heavy and warm on my shoulders.

"Told you to bring a jacket," Caleb whispered in my ear as he helped me into his coat. It was soft and warm and a little too big for me, but it made me feel a lot better. Caleb put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against him.

No, we are not dating. We've known each other so long that little things like this are just natural.

It took a solid twenty minutes to get our hot chocolates. By the time we had received our orders, the place was beginning to settle down. 

"Hey Ans, our spot is open," Caleb noted, motioning towards the love-seat in front of the fireplace. We always sat there when we came here.

We sat down and he put his arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder. We drank our hot chocolates in contentment.

"I know it's not even December yet, but it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas," I commented.

"Yeah," Caleb replied. "Especially with those Santa Claus pajama pants you're wearing."

"Hey, you can't say anything. You're the one who woke me up at an excessively early hour and told me to come to your car right away."

"I know," Caleb replied.

As I turned from Caleb back to the window, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Little white flakes were falling from the sky and sticking to the ground, dusting the bushes and roads with a thin layer of what looked like powdered sugar.

"Caleb! It's snowing!" I exclaimed. "That means no school, and-"

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" he cut me off. "Hurry up and get in my car before the roads ice over."

The snow was still falling very gently, so there wasn't enough for even one snowball once we arrived at my house. Unfortunately, we would have to wait.

"Well, Ans," Caleb said. "We can't come at each other with snowballs yet, but I have another idea you may like."

Caleb POV

"What are you thinking of?" Ansleigh asked. As she looked up at me, I couldn't help but notice how absolutely gorgeous she was, even without makeup. Her hair still hadn't been brushed, but she could still pull it off. Heck, she still even managed to look great in pajamas!

"Caleb? You good?" Ans asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. How does a nice nap sound until the snow builds up?"

Ansleigh grinned. "When could I not use some extra sleep?"

We walked upstairs to her bedroom. No, we had never done it together. Ans and I weren't those kind of people. Instead of doing inappropriate things, we just cuddled until we fell asleep. Honestly, it was amazing. Ansleigh looks absolutely adorable when she sleeps.

Ansleigh crawled under the covers, motioning for me to come join her. I slipped off my shoes and got in the bed with her. 

"What? Are you just gonna stay on your side and not keep me warm?" Ansleigh asked.

I turned over and wrapped my arms around her as she buried her face in my chest. I twirled her hair and rubbed her back as her eyes began to close. 

"No, I'm not," I said softly. "I'll always be here, whether it's to keep you warm or drive you to get hot chocolate or listen or anything. I got you."

Before she dozed off to sleep, I heard a soft "thank you" coming from Ansleigh's mouth.

A/N: First chapter!! Hope y'all enjoyed it!! I am by no means a professional writer, so constructive criticism and comments are appreciated.

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