Chapter 1

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Ok This will be the first story I really tried to write. I hope it is good but if it isnt oh well.

~~~~~I love everything about rain; I personally think it cleanses the earth of all evil and unwanted things. But there are also frightening things that come with rain. It can block out all sound, can obscure your sight, and it can destroy anything as long as it rains hard and long enough. But it still cleanses the earth, is that a good thing or a bad thing? For example; someone was brutally murdered on the side of a road, there could be blood everywhere and you could see how hard that person fought to live. The heavens open up and rain pours down. The blood is washed away. All the grass and weeds get thrown around by the force of it that there is no sign of any kind of struggle. Were the heavens weeping for person or was it trying to get rid of the evidence, cover up for something that should not be here?

That is the reason I love the rain. You don't know if you can trust it or not.


Chapter 1


Jade jumped, spinning around faster than she planned and tripped over her feet. She looked for the source of the racket steadying herself.

"Kate! You scared the crap out of me," Jade frowned at her one-and-only, so-called friend as Kate stalked through the door.

"Why didn't you tell me tomorrow is your 21st birthday!" Kate whined with a hateful look on her face.

Jade sighed; she hadn't told anyone that her sister Anna died on her 21st birthday, two years ago. The horrible events of that day had scarred her for life. The morning of the 14th of September, 2005 was the worst Saturday of her life. She woke up to her mother howling and her father drunk and screaming. Jade shook her head, not wanting to remember that day.

Jade blocked that day from her memory and refused to relive it.

"I... uh, forgot. Sorry," She said sheepishly not wanting to look Kate in the eye.

"Bull... It's the day you can finally drink!" Kate looked at her skeptically waiting for Jade to give in. When she didn’t Kate added. "Well, want to go out? I'll pay."

“No, I don't drink... and I have to work the next morning," Jade replied quickly jumping for any excuse.

"So? You can forget your no-drinking rule for one day," Kate said stubbornly. "Quit being a bitch and let's go have some fun."

"No. I don't like being drunk," She said anger starting to rise. "And DON’T call me a bitch."

"What's not to like?" Kate said ignoring Jade’s last comment.

"Trust me there's plenty not to like," Jade muttered. After Anna's death she swore to never take another sip of alcohol.

"Please?" she whimpered like an annoying puppy.


"Pretty Please?"


"Pretty pretty please?" Kate begged batting her eyelashes.

"No!" Jade could feel her anger rising. Lately she'd had a very short fuse especially when it was lit by Kate.

"Why?" Kate pouted.

"I already told you."

"That's not a good reason. Come on, it's your 21st," Now Kate was getting more angry.

"Yes it is and how do you know that tomorrows my birthday?" Jade scowled.

"Your brother," She replied sheepishly.

"I am going to kill Mike for this." Jade said quietly glaring at Kate.

"Please come out with me for one night? I don’t want to go out alone, I need help picking a guy to take home." she begged, sticking her thin lower lip out.

Jade couldn't take her annoying pleading now, "No! Get out of my house you are pissing me off!" Her anger boiled just below the surface.

"What?" Kate asked in horror.

"It's not like I've never kicked you out before. Out!" Jade yelled pointing to the front door.

"So? It's still rude! And no." Kate said sitting down on the chair with a little more umph than she planned. The chair moved out of her way, she landed on her back, tangling her curly red hair in her glasses.

Jade, still pointing at the door, smiled as Kate got up and stalked out of the house.

Jade went to the widow and watched as Kate’s car went skidding around the corner. She sighed, why couldn't she have friends who actually cared? All Kate wanted was to get laid like always, using Jade as bait like she did last week. And why the hell, was she talking to Mike? Abby decided to call him and find out. Reluctantly turning away from the dark window she started the search for her cell.

Jade found the small phone plugged in and resting on the kitchen counter. Picking it up, she saw that she had one missed call from Mike. She dialed his number and put the phone to her ear.

"Ab! Hide fast, Kate is coming over! She saw that it's your birthday tomorrow!" Mike yelled desperately into my ear.

"Oww." Jade squeaked, pulling the phone away from her ear. "She was already here."

"Shit. What happened?" He actually sounded worried.

"Nothing really. But she did piss me off so I kicked her out." She said matter of factly.

"Really and she listened?"

"Not at first, but she embarrassed herself so she left."

"What did she do?" He asked with a smile evident in his voice.

"She tried to sit down in the old comforter and she missed." Jade grinned to herself.

Mike, between laughs, said. "I wish...I could have...seen it." Slowly the laughs subsided and he asked, "So what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"Just like I did. It was the best birthday I ever had." He said proudly.

"Ha! Yeah right. Weren’t you drunk all day?"

"It was. And just to let you know, I did not have one drink that day. I was ... sick.” Mike looked like he’s hiding something. Jade frowned. Mike quickly added. “Oh I should tell you that I'm making dinner and I don't care if you say no because I'm doing it anyway."

Jade groaned to herself so that Mike wouldn’t hear her disapproval, "That's cool, I guess."

"Hey, I've got to go the games back on. Love ya, Jade."

"Love you too." Jade replied sadly and shut the phone.

She decided it was late enough to get ready for bed so she went to her room for a new change of clothes then headed for the shower.

Stripping her clothes she jumped in and started scrubbing her long black hair with jasmine scented shampoo. The smell put her in a better mood so she decided to shave her legs too. When the water turned cold Jade grabbed a towel and got out, being careful not to drip water over the bathroom floor. She dried off she put a tank top and pajama bottoms on then looked in the mirror.

The only thing Jade could see in the foggy reflection were her dark blue eyes. Smiling to herself, she headed off to bed and fell asleep instantly.

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