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if it's one thing about college, jungeun hates having a roommate. her current one, jung jinsoul, must not believe in cleaning up because every time jungeun comes home from class, there's an absolute mess.

she tries to get jinsoul to clean up but the older girl is just so nonchalant about it and merely shrugs when she's not in the mood to argue. jungeun can only do so much before she's cleaning up her side and jinsoul's side.

today, jungeun's day has been awful. she failed her psychology test, some dumbass decided to be perfect to take her keys and play monkey in the middle with them with his best friend, and to top it off, jungeun knows she has to come home to an absolute mess caused by her roommate. she isn't shocked when she opens the door and sees clothing, candy wrappers, and even loose papers scattered on the floor. she breathes deeply through her nose before shutting the door and locking it. she throws her keys on her nightstand and sits her backpack and purse down. there's a light coming from the bathroom so she knows jinsoul is in there.

she sits on her bed, patiently (not really) waiting on jinsoul to come out the bathroom. she attempts to persuade herself to not yell at the older girl. key word: attempt.

all hell breaks loose when jinsoul steps through the threshold of the bathroom door.

"how hard is it to clean up after yourself? i come home everyday to some mess you made and guess who has to clean that up. me. i have to jinsoul. for once, can you please take my feelings into consideration and clean up your mess?" jungeun blurts out and the older girl is stuck in place as she wonders where the living hell all of this came from.

she furrows her eyebrows and a frown is placed upon her face. "i go to use the damn bathroom and when i come out, this is what i'm faced with? calm down, what is wrong with you?" jinsoul shouts back and jungeun rolls her eyes and rubs her forehead.

"what's wrong with me? jinsoul, do you realize that you make a mess every single day? that you don't even put in effort to clean up? i have to come home after a hard day at school and do the cleaning. and what do you do? fucking lounge around without even moving a muscle," jungeun retaliates, her face a bright red as she gets worked up.

"who the hell spit in your coffee this morning? cause it damn sure wasn't me. calm down, there's nothing to be mad over," jinsoul spewed back and jungeun stared at her for a minute before grabbing her keys and heading towards the door.

"where are you going?" jinsoul asked, walking closer towards the younger girl. jungeun stopped just before she was about to grab the knob and spoke, "when you decide to not be an asshole, let me know. i'll be out for a while," jungeun replied and before jinsoul could speak, she was out the door and down the hall.

jinsoul's eyebrows furrowed even more. "what did i even do?" she whispered to herself.


"she's just so messy! i can't deal with her," jungeun told jiwoo, her best friend since middle school. after she left the dorm, she called jiwoo and asked to meet at their favorite café. jiwoo listened intently as jungeun went on and on about how jinsoul was messy, she didn't care about anything, and how she was so nonchalant.

"well maybe you should try to confront her without yelling. you yelled at her out of the blue today, of course she's going to get defensive. not that i'm taking her side, you know i hate mess, but i'm just saying that maybe you should approach her calmly and not like you want to kill her," jiwoo spoke.

"but i do want to kill her. she's so annoying," jungeun replied and jiwoo gave her a look, telling her that's not a nice thing to say.

"will you just take what i said into consideration? please?" jiwoo asked and jungeun looked out the window before letting out a deep sigh.

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