chapter one

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It all started on summer were all students were getting ready for there first day at high school there all putting on there uniform. Lets meet our characters first up its Bella the daughter of Bendy. She is a very shy but strong her farther is the art teacher for Horror high and is the her form tutor he is also the head of the terror house." Bella hears your lunch."

"thank you dad." said Bella She was a golden hearted sweet heart that would help anyone in need. She is also a strong fighter. There is only one sad thing is she suffers with a disease called the ink disease that will give her excruciating pain and she will cough up blood but it will end after a while but it can't be cured and he dad also suffers with it to.

Now its Jessie the killer daughter of Jeff the killer. She is athletic and brave and a full on maniac who is protective other her friends. She is also extremely competitive and can go mad at people who don't do the best of there abilities. She is like that really strict P.E teacher who just wants to see you succeed and nothing more than that.

Now we meet a student of great artistic skill and madness to kill well anything he is a short tempered boy of design its abstract. He is a great artist and a greater fighter. He is supper crazy about his work he like he's sketches to be perfect and anything less is really bad for him. he is also the sun of the bloody artist so you can see were he got his madness from.

Now for the daughter of one of the most silent horror characters ever he's tall and pall its Slender man and his daughter Slenny now she is just a bit shy but when she's stressed or angry she gets he white face her slender face and her powers.

Now to the bus all of our hero's are on the bus and on there way to school but there is a bully on the bus Drack son of Dracula and he hates abstract in other words he bullies him. "Hay dork give me your money."

"Leave him alone" said Bela

"What are you going to do" then Drack shoved her to the floor. " Leave them alone or what"

"Or I'm gonna through you of this bus." said a voice from the back of the. At this point the bus was thousands of meters above the earth. " Your lucky your boyfriends here." said Drack.

"Now arriving at horror high." said the driver.

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