chapter three ▬▬▬ l letter two

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Dear Tyra,

I wanted you to know that I never wanted any of this pain for you. I know it will be hard for you to move on with out me, but I promise I will always be with you no matter what. I want you to go and accomplish your dreams just like your father did, and it might be easy for you to do so. I am writing this letter to you because I am ready for you to know who your father is. You spent half your life not knowing who your father is and that wasn't fair to you. Your fathers name is Josh Duhamel. He lives in LA with his with Fergie, so she would be your stepmother. Please don't be mean to her either, he loves her and he's happy with her so be nice to her too.

I love you my sweet precious girl

with lots of love from your mom

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