Chapter One

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' Welcome to Charming' I read the sign as I passed it.
I was out just driving around enjoying the spring air until I saw a diner. So I decided to pull over and get something to eat.

" Welcome to Hannah's Diner" a very over excited lady said to me.
" Just a table for one please." I told her.

" My name is Jenny, here is your menu and would you like something to drink?" Jenny asked
" Coke please and thank you." I told her.

So she handed me a menu and walked away.
I started to look over it and decided on the Cheeseburger and fries.

" Have you decided sweetie?" Jenny asked
" Yes may I please have the Cheeseburger and fries?" I told her and she wrote it down and walked away.

So I am sitting there in the booth enjoying watching the people of Charming walk by, it was a beautiful day outside.
I was taken out of my thoughts by Jenny bringing my food.

" Thank you Jenny." I told her
" You're welcome, and if you need anything else let me know ok." I nodded at her and went to eating my food.

As I was eating my food I saw a very handsome man walking towards me. He had a Mohawk and tattoos on both sides of his head.
Dark skin and built rather nice. He had this smile plastered on his face. Man I could get loss in those eyes.
I was taken out of my trans he had me in when he spoke up and said

" Is this seat taken?" He just smiled that sexy smile
" No by all means sit please." I told him. I looked at him and had some impure thoughts about him. Stop Madison, I can't think about him like that.

" Names Juan." He told me
" Madison, nice to meet you Juan." I told him. Just then Jenny came by and asked him if he wanted a menu.

" I will have Cheeseburger and fries. Also a Coke please." He told Jenny
" Sure thing Suga, anything else?" As she rubbed her hand on his shoulder. Just just shrugged it off and said yes.

" Please add his food to my bill and thank you." I told Jenny with a smile. She blinked her eyes for a second and nodded yes. As she was walking away Juan spoke up and said

" You didn't have to do that. I can pay for it myself." I looked at him and said

" It's nothing really Juan, just paying it forward that's all." I told him with a smile and he smiled back and it warmed my heart.
It seems like someone hasn't done anything nice for him in awhile and didn't want something in return.

So we sat there in a peaceful silence until the food arrived. He thanked Jenny and went to eating.
We sat there for about five minutes before he spoke up and asked me

" So where are you from? Obviously not from around here, small town and all. I would recognize a beautiful face." He told me and I blushed. He laughed.

" Sorry not use to complaints unless they are from older gentleman or members of my family's church." I told him and he looked at me and smiled

" So what is a good girl like you doing in Charming?" He asked
" Just been driving around, enjoying the nice spring weather and stumbled into Charming. I like small towns, the feel of how close knit the community is." I told him and he nodded his head

" Well I hope you enjoy your stay, for ever long it is." He smiled at me
" Maybe you can be my guide and show me around?" I said to him, mentally slapping myself for how I was acting.

" Sure I can show you around." Juan said and I nodded my head in agreement. Jenny brought us the check and Juan ended up paying for it, and off we went.

Charming definitely was a small town, no major department store, no fast food restaurants, no Starbucks, major grocery stores.
It was nice, an genuine small town. We were just walking down the street and he was telling me about the town, and then I seen a small little park and I montioned my head in that direction and so we headed off to the park.

" So Juan tell me a little bit about yourself." I was wanting to get to know him. I was interested in his story, where he came from, what he does, anything to get to know him better.

" Well I am originally from Queens, moved here about three years ago, I have an older sister who is married with two boys.
I am into computers and gaming, and also I am a mechanic at Teller- Morrow here in town." He told me and I just listened to him tell me his story but I could tell there was more to it, but I wasn't going to push him. Then he asked me about myself

" Well I am from Sacramento, born into a Catholic family, only child, I just wanted to travel around for a little while before
I decide what to do with my life." He listened to me as I talked and was looking into my eyes, it felt wonderful, he was looking at me, not my chest, not anything but my eyes.

I can see me getting to know Juan, he seemed generally interested in me and I was interested in him.
He had a story and I wanted to hear it. You can see it in his eyes, his body language, he needed to talk to someone. Just then his phone rang, and he did not seem happy.

" Hate to cut this short, but I have to go, but I will walk you to your car." He told me, so we walked back to the diner, exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.
So I decided to go get a room for the night and get some rest and tomorrow I will go explore some more of Charming.

Just hope I can see Juan again

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