The Hunting Life

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My first thought after I got hit by the lamp : Ouch. My second thought: Why the hell didn't I listen to Sam and Dean?

I got up, ignoring the fact that my head was bleeding where the lamp hit. This was my first hunt with them, and they wanted my to stay at the motel. me, being well, me couldn't just do that. I had to help. So I showed up and the first thing that happened was this. great.

I should back up though. You're probably confused.

It was a typical Wednesday when I showed up at work. I worked at a crappy little ice cream place, that happened to be right beside a tattoo parlor. Surrounding the place where a bunch of cop cars and and police everywhere.

"What happened? " I asked my boss Amber.

"I guess the guy next door killed himself in front of his clients and staff. Stabbed himself with the tattoo gun. Pretty brutal." She responded.

"Yea...and really weird. Didn't someone kill themselves last week at the pizza place down the road? He tried to axe himself pretty strangely too." I said. I remember seeing on the news about the cook who stuck himself into the pizza oven. So freaking gross.

"Well the owner stopped by and said he wants us to just go home. He doesn't think we'll get enough business."

"Good ole' Mark. Thinking about money rather than the fact some guy just died." I said. Amber laughed then walked away. I called my friend Destiny to come pick me up and waited. As I waited two guys started to walk towards me.

"Hi. FBI. Mind if we ask you a few questions?" The shorter one asked. They were both good looking. The one was tall...I mean really tall.

"No prob." I said. "Can I see your badges first?" I asked. You never know they could have been lying. Plus, why would the FBI be investigating a suicide?

The shorter one pulled out his badge and said "I'm Agent Plant and this is Agent Page. What do you know about what happened today?"

"Not much. Just that the guy killed himself. I just got here. Why are you guys investigating this anyway? It was a suicide right?" I asked curiously. They looked at each other and I knew some thing was up. "Anyway my ride is here can I go?" I asked.

"Sure. Thanks for being such a great help." he said. 'Whatever" I thought as I got into my friends car.

"What was that about?" Destiny asked. "Not sure. The guy next door killed himself and the FBI are investigating. Which makes me think that it wasn't a suicide."

"Alright Samantha, where do you wanna go?" Destiny asked. "The Library. This is just really weird."

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