CHAPTER UNO:family issues

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   This story begins without are main character, Instead with a 14 year old soon to be mother. Havana cuba is are setting, Everyday she comes home to her mama and two sisters who'm to her are the most deer people she has in life thus so far. Most of her time is spent unlike ordinary teen girls.  Well at least not of those from that time. Skipping school, flirting dirty with boys, disobeying her mother all that type of bad naughty teen stuff.  Her two older sister's Melanie  and Isabel, or as they prefer to be called Mela and Issa. Where also no strangers to this lifestyle of hers, but where not particularly as involved.  Yany(the soon to be mother)on the other hand was vary-VARY fun'd of her mischievous ways and always seemed as if trouble where to be a hobby of hers. Coming home 2-3 hours after school with her dirty red face from running around and getting tangled up with boys,mama was never pleased. Vary strict she was always locking her up in the house as a punishment for being so unlike her other daughters. See they would have their share of fun to but just more intelligently. Not to get caught nor do it to the point it's a habit unlike their little sister. So they where always able to do things with their friends or boyfriends out of school time while sister Yanny stayed home,locked away. So what was the girl to do.. Hmm maybe behave better.. Be more sneakier about it... OF COURSE  NONE OF THESE. Instead she decides that the best thing to do is pretend she was in school instead of family therefore. " I will leave tonight when everyone's asleep"she tginks to herself. pretty brilliant idea right?. So she does and oh boy did she have a blast such unspoken things just in case children are reading this I'll leave it to the mind of are more mature audience to guess- Heheh. Anyways days went on and this became a hobby to her. Leaving the house late night and coming back during the morning. Eventually tho just as most amazing moments do, it had to come to an end. See one night as she creeped out of her window she had accidentally slipped and fell face first out the other side. Her physical conditions after the accident was not the problem tho, for luckily she managed to save herself with her arms only resulting in a few minor scrapes. The only thing was the window, It had slammed shut leaving her with no other entrance to the house capable of being opened.  She knew she was going to get in trouble not being found in bed tomorrow in the afternoon before school started. This did not bother her vary much tho for nothing was going to ruin her perfect night and so she just shook it off and walked along.  The next day she came home at 5pm with nothing in her belly and while school was still in session. Starring  at her home door she was at a frozen state of mind wondering of only the worst to come when she where to enter enter those walls. Right as she gave herself the courage to suck up any pain that came along on the other side she went up the steps and*door flies open*Yany!!Her mother kneels before her and wraps her up with love, care,but mostly worry.She then takes her inside. Yany still shook at the fact that she hasn't taken a wooping yet. Getting to her room her sister's open the door with faces full of worry. Questions fill the atmosphere ,  WHERE WAS SHE?IS SHE OK?DID SOMEONE KIDNAP HER?Girls.. Leave the room for a minute, Me and your sister need to talk-privately. So the sisters left the room and went around the back to ease drop the conversation through the same closed shut window that started the whole mess.

   "Ik what you where doing last night",yanny stayed quite."your prima Rosa called me telling me how she had seen you leaving the house of that boy every girl in school likes".yanny tries to speak-"but mama that's not true!besides even if it was why would she have not told me anything hmm??"."she was on her bus ride to work when she had seen you"mother replies as she pulls out a picture through her small telephone."or is this not you?"she adds.*no response*"that's what I thought... THAT'S IT! I've had it with you. Ever since your father became a police officer its been hard taking care of the three of you.. But enough is enough, with you specifically . Starting tomorrow your packing up your stuff for military camp". -NO!I Wont LET YOU IM NOT GOING ANYWHEREEE!!!yany answers back. Mother with an unpleased face from her reply tells her back "YANYSLADY!YA ESTA BUENO CON TIGO CHICKA!Your going and that's that I didn't want it to come to this but you've left me with no choice you put this on yourself".yany gets up from sitting on her squeaky bed" NO f**k YOU, YOU PUT THIS ON YOURSELF! I'M PACKING UP ALRIGHT BUT NOT FOR NO f*****g MILITARY CAMP, I'M ON MY OWN NOW"she screams at her mother."NO YOUR NOT!"mother replies*SPLACK*... "You-you hit me"yany sais with a red hand print fading onto her face. A tear begins to drop down her mother as she answers back"I've never had to put my hands on you before. "But-"yany interupts her rudel yelling out to her"YOU KNOW WHAT MOM. I just really wish you could drop dead sometimes foreal.." she then dashes out the door crying.

   three weeks have passed and yanny is now living with her aunt in' San Antonio de Los Banios 'where she could finally be herself. "I should go back Tia, it's been a whole three weeks now. Maybe she will forgive me after now that i have shown her I don't need her to be okay. Maybe she misses me and she regrets what she has said and treated me like",yanny sais to her aunty whom's roof she has been living under for the entire time she has been at San Antonitio."OK ninia you do what ever you think is best but just me knowing your mother she won't show to much mercy as you say ".Yany packs up wat she had came with and gives everyone there goodbyes.After eight hours of long bus and taxi journey she finally finds herself back home in havanna."home.. I'm finally here atlast"she thinks to herself as she opens the door.  Yet no one is home everything is dark and quite. "welp I guess the house is mine for now" thinking aloud as she grabs some Chips and turns on the TV. Time flies by she looks at the clock and it's been almost half the day already. Where is everyone.See now in cuba to text or call it takes money approximately 5¢ the 7sec or 12charecters of text.  This means that information cannot be passed on so easily. *keys are heard at the door*"yess finally, took them long enough"she says to herself quietly. Door opens reveling her father and sister. "Daaddyyy!"she yells in excitement as she runs up to them and gives them all a big hug. "hey,  where's mom?"she asked looking up but when she does. *tears dropping down her father's face as he holds her tightly*"i-im so sorry sweety"he tells her."no..." *The world around her begins to freeze*"what are you "she tries to add but gets cut off." Mommy's in a better place now baby"...

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