The Ghosts Whispers Goodnight

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We're half way through Cali, and we just passed a sign saying something about Beacon Hills, but I swear to God if my little sister, Claire won't stop pulling my hair and her twin, Charlie, doesn't stop mimicking me, we're gonna need to stop at the police station so I can turn my self in for murdering them.

My parents, Lynne and John, thought it would be just amazing if we all piled into an RV and visited all the states.

Let's just get two things clear, first of all, summers almost over and we've been doing this since school has ended so this truly is hell, second of all, I have 9 brother and sisters total, not even including me or my parents, in other words, we're packed like sardines in here.

"How much longerrrr?" My 14 year old brother, Luke, whines at my parents who promised we could stop for lunch soon.

"About 30 minutes, just go play with Kat alright? Your both bored." I roll my eyes.

"We're all bored mom." She just laughs at my 'joke', I look over to my closest sibling, Toby who fakes an enthusiastic expression, making me laugh. We have two sets of twins in the family, only one set identical, Tucker and Buck, who are the craziest guys I know. They can do flips off buildings and land perfectly. They plan on being stunt doubles when they're older. I feel a poke at my arm and turn my head to see my younger sister, Amber.

"Whats up Ash?" She looks scared, so I pull her up to my lap, she's only 4, the youngest out of the bunch.

"Something bad's gonna happen." I look at her strangely.

"What do you mean-" All of a sudden I tumble out of my chair, Ash falling next to me, The RV does a 360 in the air and I bash my head into the ceiling. I feel a warm liquid seeping through my shirt, My vision is hazy, I must have hit my head pretty hard. I finally get my vision to focus in on Ash, her neck is at a peculiar angle, I screech out in horror.

"MOM!! Ash! Ash, wake up!" I take her hand in mine, I cant move my legs, something is crushing them. I twist my head, why isn't someone helping? My eyes sweep from body to body, which are all mangled and torn to pieces.

"Toby!" I cry out, finally getting my legs free, and I crawl over to him. The light has faded from his once emerald green eyes. His chest is ripped open. What could have done this!?

I hear a sickening sound, like when someone slurps up a noodle. I slowly turn my head to the door, where the noise is coming from. A human has its hands deep in Kat's stomach, then pulls it out and licks its fingers clean of blood. The only problem is, the man has claws and glowing eyes.

My eyes are wide with fear as it slowly walks over to me, something bubbles up inside of me and it isn't fear, I kick my legs at its stomach, sending it stumbling back. The thing rushes back with anger burning in its blood red eyes and swings its claws at me, connecting with my shoulder, cutting clean through. I cry out, tripping over a piece of fallen furniture. It swats its claws at my face, moments later, blood starts gushing down my face like a fountain. My vision hazes, I've lost to much blood. The wolf like thing leans closer to me and opens its mouth, canines replace normal teeth. He lunges forward, At least I'll get to be with my family.

He freezes halfway through, I can barely hear a howl echoing through the land, but this must be some sort of a trigger, it leaps out the RV faster then it came.

I push myself up, stumbling a few times before I finally make it to Buck and Tucker, Dead. Its the same with every other sister and brother. My parents lay still, I know its the same case for them. I collapse outside of the RV, but I know if I want to survive, I have to find help. Do I want to survive? My whole Family is dead.

I fling my body forward and stumble my way into the woods. Blood covers my whole body as I run into tree after tree, my body start to feel cold and I cant seem to focus on one thing.

Its so cold, almost like Hawaii. Hawaii's cold... isn't it? Ya, Alasksa's the hot one. I definitely feel like I'm in Hawaii.

I see a blurry out line of a building. I must get there. I stumble and trip a few more yards before I burst through the door. Everyone's eyes in the room whip around to me as I trip my way in, They all have uniforms on them, some reading deputy. A 35 yearish looking man with eyes just like Toby rushes towards me with wide eyes, but my own flutter close and I feel myself falling.


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