Sexy Dirty Love

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C – Charlotte

A – Alex

E – Ethan

B – Bailey

V – Vanessa

D – Dash

{At home, Charlotte is lying in bed.}

C: Why am I still alone?

{Her phone buzzes. She gets a text from Alex. The text conversation begins.}

A: Hey, you up?

C: Yeah, what's up?

A: What are you wearing?

{Charlotte sends a picture of her lying in bed.}

C: You?

{Alex sends a picture back of him lying in bed with no shirt on.}


{Alex wakes up from a rough night with Charlotte and he can feel her body pressed against his back. She whispers in his ear whilst hugging him tightly.}

C: Good morning.

{Alex rolls over.}

A: Good morning beautiful. Last night was amazing.

{He smiles. She whispers to him whilst kissing his neck.}

C: It was so hot.

{She kisses his neck again.}

C: You know what, you really make me happy.

{She kisses him.}

A: You sure you don't say that to all the other guys you have up in here.

C: Funny thing is I don't have other guys come to my house. You're the only one.

{She smiles.}

A: I'm still not going to feel special.

{He kisses her and gets up from the bed.}


{Charlotte, Alex, Ethan, Bailey and Vanessa are chilling at work in the lunch room.}

B: What do y'all have planned for later?

E: We should go out. It's Friday. Come on y'all it'll be fun.

A: I'm in.

V: Me too.

B: You know I'm there.

V: Char, are you coming?

C: I'm not sure I have a meeting right now.

E: Girl, don't lie to us. You don't have a meeting; you're going to meet him.

C: Maybe. I'll meet up with y'all later. I've got to go.

{Charlotte leaves.}


{Later that night, Ethan, Alex, Bailey and Vanessa are at a club. Ethan, Bailey and Vanessa dance for a little bit. Alex is grinding on a lot of women all over the club. Charlotte shows up with a guy named Dash.}

C: Hey guys.

B: Hey girl.

E: Hey what's up?

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