Chapter One

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"Alison, grab that box..." My mother instructs with a brown moving box in her hands. I bend down to pick up the box, which is marked, 'Kitchen' and walk into the front door of our new house in California. It's a nice two story house with four spacious bedrooms. My father grabs the box out of my hands and easily places it on the kitchen counter. I am a sixteen year old brunette with long dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. My father's name is Anthony and my mother's name is Connie. My mother is a registered nurse and my father is a police officer. You can say I live a protective lifestyle along with an older brother who's twenty two. He's moving out here also but he's coming tomorrow along with one of his best friends.

I make my way outside to grab another box to help out when an older male and female approaches me with nice warm vibes. I have no idea who they are so I guess they are neighbours.

"Hi?" I greet them with a small smile and a curious look. "Mom, Dad!" I yell out to them.

Seconds later my parents come out and stand next to me. "Oh, Faith and Jack Britt. . ." My mother chuckles and waves "They live next door." She informs me. I guess my mother met them before. They've come to help? Or say hi? "How are you?"

"Fine thanks. . . Is this your daughter?" The man, Jack, gestures to me
"Yes, this is Sonny. Sonny this is the Britts. Faith and Jack."
"Hi. . ." I give a full smile to them and place the box on the grass to shake their hands.
We talked for a while until I grew bored and tired and let my parents take over the conversation for the most part.

A loud, stealthy sound makes me peer over Mr Britts shoulders. A silver, sleek Cadillac pulls up in their driveway. I see and hear the car door slam but don't see who gets out of it yet.

"We were wondering if you needed any help?" Faith asks. My attention is now fully fixed on the short, blonde haired man walking toward us. He is tall, fit, he is hot.

"I think we can manage, we're almost finished anyway. Thanks, though." My mother declines politely. When the man stands next to Mr Britts I feel kind of disappointed. He looks older than me. Like he had a couple years on me.

"Is this your son?" My father asks. His eyes were crystal blue. Like a perfect ocean that you want to get lost in.

"Yeah, Beau these are our new neighbors. Connie, Anthony and Sonny." He smiles and I feel myself go weak at the knees. He's gorgeous, man!

"Nice to meet you. . ." He states in a voice that made me want to pounce on him. But this is reality. Sadly.

"I'm gonna go take this box inside." I pick up the box again and hurry inside to the kitchen. It doesn't belong there but the kitchen has a window that leads to the front yard.

Beau stands there with my parents, talking with few smiles and laughs. How can a guy look that good? His parents did a good job creating him. I check him out from inside the house and thought things a virgin shouldn't be imagining. I chew on my bottom lip slightly, staring at the muscles that were exposed because of his white short sleeve crew neck shirt. Snap out of it, Sonny! Naughty!

Wait... he's coming toward the house with one of the boxes. Ah! What do I do? Look cute, you idiot! I fix my shirt and pick up the box that belongs in the upstairs bathroom.

"Uh, Hey..." He greets me with a grin.

"Hey." I lamely respond. I don't know how to keep this conversation going. My instinct is making my stomach bounce.

"Uh this box goes in your room?" He says/asks. His voice is mesmerizing and deep. It's like the perfect morning voice except. . . it's not morning. I jump and nod.

"Oh, yeah. It's this way," I motion with my head so he can follow me, starting up the stairs and down the hall.

"So, how old are you?" He asks me.

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