Chapter 1 A Hunter Is Born

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I could remember it like it was yesterday...

           As I walked down the busy cobblestone street, I scanned around for the battered, wooden bakery sign. It was Saturday morning, so everyone was bustling about to get groceries, or other goods while they were off from work. Even though there's a large crowd my small petite body could easily swim through the sea of people.
        Even though I always hated being short im glad it has some advantages. Although the boys in my school, an idiotic bunch, would always tease me for it. They would take things from me and pass it back forth, knowing that I would not be able to reach it no matter how hard I tried. When I finally get on my last nerve the one unfortunate enough to hold my belonging gets my foot to their crotch. Yet again another good advantage of being short since I'm closer to their crotch level. Sense I've been doing that more recently I haven't had as much trouble from them, it serves them right. I may be short but I also have quiet a big attitude, and a temper.
             The reason for going to the bakery was because Gram was sick. Gram is my caretaker or better known as my grandmother. Although she acts more like my mother, but I guess she has to so she can raise me. I've lived with Gram ever sense I was a couple weeks old. I never got to know my parents well, I've only seen a picture that Gram has of them.  Gram told me that a couple weeks after I was born my parents were going out of town to buy some more baby supplies for me. On their searching through the town a cart's horses got out of control and the horses and the cart trampled my parents and a few other people.
             Gram was at the house watching me when I knock appeared at the door. When opening it thinking that her son and daughter-in-law had come home, she was met with a group of sad faces.
                Before any questions were asked, it was answered by a tragedy. After that dreadful day Gram has not been her usual cheery self. She became a big worry wart and over protected me all my life. I hardly ever got to leave the house, nor do I go alone into town, or anywhere without Gram by my side. The only thing I have left of my parents is a red hood that was my mother's. Gram said that when I got older my parents wanted to pass the hood down to me on my 6th birthday. So on my 6th Gram had given me the hood. It was made of fine silk and had a pendant with a rose on it where the hood latched. It beautiful and I always wear it to remind me of my parents so I never forget them. I hardly ever take off. If i do it either when i go to bed or if I was doing something messy. Sense I wear it all the time people call me Red, everyone called me that so much even Gram calls me Red, even though my real name is Abigail, but I dont mind. When I wear the hood I  kind of I feel like my parents are surrounding me in their embrace when I wear it, and it always gives me comfort.
   Today I had to beg Gram to let me go out to town. I wanted to get her some goodies to try to help her get better, although thinking about i don't know how bakery items will help her feel better, but it's worth a shot. I keep telling Gram that she needs to go see a doctor, but she refuses saying that she can take care of herself. I get mad knowing that my stubborn,sickly old grandmother is not in good condition to take care of herself, plus her cough is getting worse, and it worries me. I think I'm just going to call the doc in without her knowing, because god knows I've tried to convince her.
                 It took a lot of effort but she finally realeased me from the house to go on my own. Im 13 now, she knows I'm not a baby anymore and I'm perfectly capable to go out by myself. Not to mention all the self defense mechanisms she taught me. I'll prove to her that'll be ok, and I'll be heading out and coming straight back home with no problem. Before I left on my way I had to recite the rules like ten times but if that means could go out , then I don't mind repeating them till she's satisfied. I know I have the rules lodged in my brain now: 1. Dont talk to anyone, 2. Dont wonder around, 3. Get what I need quickly and hurry on back. Before I left she handed me a knife incase I would have to defend myself. I told her it was silly because we never had been attacked before, but she insisted that if I wanted to leave then I must take it.
                     As I searched for my destination I glanced at all the buildings. Everything seemed a little different being by myself, even though I've been through here with Gram many times. I felt more mature and the buildings seemed to look clearer sense I'm not being dragged around so fast. When I found the bakery I quickly got inside and was greeted by a familiar voice.
                         "Well, well! If it isn't little Red all by herself without the hawk eyeing her every move!" Joked the bakery owner Henry. Henry and I were pretty much buddies. Him and Gram are goods friends and The Hawk is his nickname for her because of how she over protects me. Sometimes when Gram and I come here he sneaks me a cookie or other goodies which is one thing I really like about him other than his halrious personality.
               I giggled "I finally convinced her to let me go out but myself for once. Plus she sick so it kind of gave me an excuse " He chuckled and then got serious hearing about Gram's condition. "How she doing?" He asked. "She doing alright, but her cough is getting pretty bad. I need to get her to a doctor." He nodded his head sadly. I felt bad for him sense him and Gram are good friends. I to worry for Gram. I just don't want to lose my only family I have, plus Gram and I are pretty close. I tell her everything and she always understands me, despite her over protectiveness.
            After a moment of silence  worrying for Gram,  Henry broke it by asking, "So what can I get for ya Little Red." He added a reassuring smile. I smiled back, we both know Gram's pretty strong, so as long as I get a doctor she should be fine." Just a couple goodies to try to get her to feel better. It's the best I can think of for now. You and I both know she likes her sweets." He gave a small chuckle, "I'll go grab the hawks favorite snacks." He then made his way to the back.
       After he gave me a goody bag, with all of Grams favorites, I set it in my basket I brought with me. I thanked Henry and told him I needed to head back before Gram got worried. With a wave I headed out the door and made my way to the edge of the town.
              To me this was the best part of the way from Grams house to the town. Between them was a beautiful lush forest.
               Gram and I like to take walks through the woods and sometimes when the creek is full Gram would take me to go swimming there. It was always peaceful in these woods. I love the gentle light that glimmers from the trees, and the sound of the birds singing their songs. The forest also has a lot of pretty flowers that I would pick for Gram. Sometimes i would make flower crowns out of them. Flowers are always a big obsession of mine. There so pretty I just can't help it.
         As I strolled through I took in all the beautiful nature around me. I let the calm breeze and sounds ingulf me into a soothing embrace. As I skipped along the path like a 5 year old my eyes couldn't resist the maginificant flowers nearby. I stopped and admired their beauty. They were as red as my hood and had long pretty petals. I've never seen these before, and their differently not roses. I know Gram said to not wonder off but I couldn't help myself. I had to pick them for Gram! I know she would love them once she's sees them.
               I ran over to the spot were they grew and opened my basket as I plucked each flower one by one. As I was thinking on what these flowers could be called I heard I slight rustle in the bushes behind me. I instantly stopped in my tracks. I slowly looked behind me and glanced around. There was nothing there. I sighed with relief, it was probably just a squirrel. As I went back to picking a few more flowers the noise was there again. This time it was closer.
            As my heart pounded it pounded faster as I heard a low growl. I jumped behind me to see a gigantic wolf right in front of me! Sacred I let out a small yelp and fell on my bottom. I tried not to move as I looked at the beast with fear. It was all black with peircing red eyes and a huge scar laid across its face. As we starred at each other face to face it let out a chilling growl. It stepped closer and I immediately went for my knife. As if it knew what I was grabbing for, it turned away from me and shot into the forest.
              Still shakin and trying to comprehend what just happened I instantly thought about Gram. I needed to get to her now!
           I quickly got up looked to see if the beast was still around. Once it was clear, I grabbed my basket and rushed to the house. I needed you warn Gram about that thing! It was enormous! We could really be in danger right now!
           As I ran like the wind I finally reached the dirt road and ran to the little brown house in the clearing. When I got close I stopped as a huge fear rushed over me. The door was smashed open, as if something busted through it.  Thinking of Gram I rushed inside. The house was silent and Gram could not be seen.
       Tears filled my eyes as frantically searched and shouted for Gram. I got sick once I saw a trail of blood on the ground. As I was about to start bawling I heard a relieving whisper.  Relief ran through me as I saw Gram in the opening of the built in cellar. I started to cry and ran to her but she started to shush me. I looked down and fear rushed through me again as my 68 year old grandmother had a big gash in her stomach. I started to cry out but she put a non bloody hand on my mouth.
        "I'm ok Red, but you need to get out of here now!" She whispered. I didn't listen as i tried to look at the wound. She pushed me back and made me look at her." Red it's still lurking around you need to get out right now!" I shook my head and pulled her hand off, "Not with out you! Whats lurking aournd?!" I retorted. "The beast, the werewolf. That's what's still here! It's looking for you! I tried to fend it off, you need to go. I promise I'll follow after you." She reassured me. I couldnt leave her now. I don't want to lose her! Not now not ever! Then as I stood crying next to her the word she said just now clicked in. Werewolf? What does she mean? They dont exist? Then it hit me. She talking about the beast I just faced. I went pale. It can't be. They dont exist. Gram read my expression and answered, " I might sound crazy but... they are real Red. I'm sorry but I've kept things from you. Your parents...they didn't really die from a cart accident. They were killed by werewolves!" I looked at her with disbelief. She continued," They died trying to protect you. I had to rush you out of the house and move out here to protect you. I dont know what they want with you but you need to run away. It's still here it will kill you if you dont leave!" She started to cry. I've never seen Gram cry. Thats how I know she's telling the truth.
                  Before anything else could be said a loud growl erupted from behind me. I turned a screamed as the beast faced us. Its teeth were gashed out and stained with Grams blood." Red get the knife out now!" I imedantly did as I was told and pulled it out toward the beast. It imedantly pulled back but was still growling." Red run away right now! I'll be fine just go!" She pleaded, but I don't listen. An anger grew with in me. With all the courage i swiped at the beast.
       I jumped back and tried to knock the knife out if my hand. As it did so I swiped again, trying to get the beast out if my house. This thing took my family from me! It took my life away from me! It hurt Gram! It's going to pay! It's going to die! I grunted while  trying to hit the beast. It back away with every swipe. I dont what it is about this knife but it's doing the trick.
             "GET OUT YOU BASTARD!" I screamed at it. Using my might to try to land a hit. I kind of don't understand why it hasn't attacked me yet but that's a good thing. Its scared of me.
            It finally had enough and leaped on me. I screamed as I tried to stab it, but it sent the knife flying out of my hand. My courage was gone and I was filled with a load of fear. I started to cry. I have failed. I have failed Gram. I failed my family.
         Geam screamed out and tried to come save me but she was too weak. As I prepared for the worst I looked to see the wolf just staring at me. I looked into its lifeless eyes and my anger started to return." What's with that look huh! You have your chance just KILL ME! ARE YOU A COWARD! WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OFF!" I shouldn't  have said that. The beast screamed at me showing all of its nasty teeth but it stopped itself from finishing its deed. It gave me one last look if pure anger as it leaped off of
me and rushed back into the woods.
         I got up and looked to see if it was really gone then I rushed to Gram. She was in so much pain I couldn't stand it. I started to bawl again, she didn't look good at all. I laid her in my lap and she looked into my eyes. With a weak hand she put it on my cheek. I held her hand with mine and kept sobbing. As the tears stained my cheeks she whisper her final words to me.
             "Red. In the closet there a book and weapons hidden underneath the floorboards. Read the book and find that werewolf! You must kill it! You must kill it's kind! They are only monsters that only know how to destroy! Please do it for me. Do if for you father and mother. Do it to save others!" She ordered. I still could say anything so I nodded in agreement." I'll do it for you and for mom and dad!" I finally managed to croak out. "All of them will pay! They will die!" I lashed out.
                 She gave a weak smile." You need to go. I'm sorry that I wont be with you but...I'll always be with you, and so will your parents. I love you and I'm proud of the young lady you've become." As the words rolled out so did her final breath as her body went lifeless.
            Anger and sorrow filled my whole body. The tears streamed out as I screamed for Gram to come back. I held her body close trying to bring her back but nothing happened. I screamed out as I held my only family in my arms. Why did it have to be Gram! She was always there for me! She always understood me! Why does she have to die! She was the only thing keeping me going! If only I knew why she was protecting me before this happened. I should have aperciated her protection more! Why did I have to be so stubborn! Why did I leave! None of this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me!
           After a while I knew I couldn't keep feeling sorry for myself. I knew I had to keep going. I need to kill all werewolves. I need to do it for my family. For Gram. Every werewolf will burn under my feet!
        Still crying I picked up Gram and carried her to the back. She needs a proper barrial. I grabbed the shovel from the back of the house and began digging her grave. As I laid her in I took some of the flowers I picked and laid it in her hands. I also put the knife in her grave as well. Taking in. my last moments with Gram I closed her eyelids and laid a kiss on my fingers to her lips. I know I needed to let go but it was hard." I'll kill them all. I promise." I assured her.
      After a few moments of prayers and grief for Gram I went to the closet as she told me to and opened up the floor boards with a hammer. In there was the book like she said and a chest. The book had everything I needed to know about and where to kill a werewolf, a map labeled with certain packs on them, and about certain weapons. My favorite weapon was the two axes.
         I put on the belt that was in the chest and put in my axes, and few guns, and some wolfbane. That was probably what was put on the knife, now it makes sense. As I head out the door my grief turned all into anger. As I took one last look at the house, my old life, I said this words so if that monster was near he could hear me.
      "I will kill everyone one of you scums! I will do it with honor for my family! You should really be scared of me now! You will all burn!" And with that i headed into the shadows. As I left my red hood flapped behind me. It was a symbol that I was a rose and will stab the monsters with my thorns.
And on that day....a hunter was born.


Wow! 1st chapter done woo! That was a lot to write. Sorry if there are mistakes, if there is pls let me know and I'll fix them. I wanted to do a non romantic type of were wolf book. Im really excited about this one and I hope you like it!!! Please comment and vote and I'll see y'all later!!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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